Amazing workshops conducted by ‘Smile International Film Festival’

Enthralling Smile International Film Festival for Children and Youth (SIFFCY) that is going on at Sirifort auditorium recently conducted workshops on Film Making and Photography for children.
Apart from regular screening, ‘Madhureeta Anand’ – the internationally acclaimed director of movies like Kajarya, conducted the workshop on Film making where as the photography workshop focused on ‘Swachh Bharat’ and was conducted by Indian Institute of Photography.
Many children from various schools and several other NGO have participated in this initiative.
During the workshop Madhurreta Anand shared the process of film making with the children. It was an open forum, where children also shared their story ideas, scripts with the audience present.
The internationally acclaimed director added, “Film making isn’t easy. It all starts with a thought and how you pen down your ideas is the main thing. For a film, a good script is the most important factor. I am glad to hear the stories and the scripts children shared today.”