Alcohol has severe effects on Heart

Say no to drinking, it affects our heart
Drinking alcohol on the regular basis could kill you. How? Well, drinking alcohol in excess could raise heart problems.
As we all know our heart is the pump which helps in the movement of blood through our body. If that pump stops working properly, many cardiovascular diseases could arise. According to a survey, almost 200,000 people die of cardiac disease every year in the UK.
Drinking occasionally and within the risk guidelines limit by the government is unlikely to cause any adverse issues to your pumping organ but caution is always recommended. People above the age of 45 years are especially to keep their drinking habits in check.

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The most common disease which could lead to sudden death is Coronary Heart disease. It is caused by blood clotting in the coronary arteries of the organ leading to the lack of oxygen supply to one’s heart.
The most common reason found behind these kinds of situations is drinking which leads to deposit of fatty substance on the arteries’ walls.
Long-term drinking exceeding the limit as laid out by the government could lead the increased risk of high blood pressure, resulting in a cardiac attack or a stroke. Drinking weakens the muscles of the organ, and leads to the swelling of the organ, which could ultimately result in sudden death.
During holidays, people are used to drink heavily without knowing the consequences. That is when Holiday Heart Syndrome comes along. It is a situation generally faced after drinking too much. One starts feeling pain in the chest, your heart beating faster, Blood pressure increases. It is a basically a false alarm of a cardiac attack but could still lead to dangerous situations.
Researchers recommend only a small amount of alcohol consumption that too occasionally. Red wine is often recommended for a healthy heart.