Acu a therapy for Thyroid

Acu a therapy for Thyroid
In a densely populated country with 1,270,272,105 (1.27 billion) people, around 42 million suffer from thyroid. Thyroid is one of the largest endocrine glands located above thyroid cartilage in the neck. The body makes proteins with the help of the thyroid glands. The five most common thyroid diseases seen in India:
* Hypothyroidism
* Hyperthyroidism
* Goiter and Iodine deficiency disorder
* Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
* Thyroid cancer.
The symptoms of thyroid can be determined if a person suffers from fast heartbeat, changes in the menstrual cycle, high cholesterol levels, feels cold, fluctuating weight gain or loss and aches and pains in the body etc. Let us find out a little more about these:
What: Congenital hypothyroidism is quite common in India. The disease occurs in 1 out of 2640 neonates as compared with the worldwide average value of 1 in 3800 subjects.
Where: In a clinical-based study from Mumbai in July 2011, it has been found that out of 800 children suffering with thyroid disease, 79% had hypothyroidism. In Cochin, out of 971 adults, 9.4% were found to be a victim of this disorder. The disease is more prevalent in women with 11.4% than men with 6.2%.
How: One of the main causes is that people are unaware of this disease at the ground level. Even the newborns are not tested beforehand, either due to the lack of facility in the hospital or due to some financial condition.
What: In this type of thyroid, the body will tend to lose weight quickly, have fast heart beat, sweat a lot, feel nervous and moody.
How: Grave’s diseases (autoimmune disease), toxic adenoma (segregate’s excess amount of thyroid hormone), Plummer’s disease (toxic multi-no-dular goiter) and thyroiditis, can cause hyperthyroidism. Multi-no-dular goiter can be either a toxic multinodular goiter (which makes too much thyroid hormone and causes hyperthyroidism.) or non-toxic (which does not make too much thyroid hormone).
Iodine and Goiter Deficiency:
What: Goiter is the state of swelling of the neck due to enlargement of thyroid glands. The body does not make iodine and iodine deficiency results in enlargement of thyroids (goiter).
Where: In a recent survey, 12% of adults have been found to suffer with palpable goiter. And, from 14,762 children studied from all over India, about 23% of them were found with goiter.
How: Inflammation, thyroid cancer (rarely occurs), pregnancy, Hashimoto’s disease and many others.
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis:
What: This is a disorder in which the immune system turns against the body’s own tissues. People suffering with Hashimoto’s, the immune system attacks the thyroid which leads to hypothyroidism.
Where: According to a research, 6283 schoolgirls from all over the country were screened and out of them, goiter was determined in 1810 of them. At least, 764 subjects faced a fine needle aspiration cytology, in which, 58 (7.5%) of juvenile had autoimmune thyroiditis.
How: Radiation exposure, excessive iodine, hormones and genes.
Thyroid Cancer:
What: The symptoms of thyroid includes swelling and pain in the neck, problem in swallowing food, breathing issues or constant wheezing and have cough frequently.
How: Its cause has not been determined.
Cure: The treatments for thyroid include medication, surgery and radioactive ablation and many others. However recently, the acupuncture and acupressure is also helping in curing. Acupressure therapy means applying physical pressure on acupuncture points to clear blockages. The pressure is applied by hand, elbow, acu-ball and energy roller etc.
Acupuncture is an effective treatment for nausea and vomiting, lower back pain, headaches and stomach aches. In this process, needles are inserted in that body part where the pain is felt by the patient. A skilled acupuncturist will insert needles in the body without causing any pain. These needles help to unclog the blockages thus giving a regular flow to blood.
According to Dr. Arti Kumar, who has been practicing acupressure as a therapy since 1996, here are some answers that our readers may find helpful.
What is the process to heal people from Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism?
The process to cure Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism is through a technique called Sujok where we use:-
• Acupressure
• Color therapy
• Moxa
• Magnets
Some exercises like:-
• Samwondong
• Smile Meditation
What precautions should people follow to avoid thyroid disorder?
They should have a daily systematic routine of life with good food followed by stress free life.
What are different types of treatments for cure from thyroid?
For this, there is no cure or treatment but through Sujok we have proved it wrong. Even for Diabetes, Sujok is proving to be beneficial for the patients.
How do you train people for acupressure/acupuncture?
By International Sujok Association (ISA), we have some courses which are conducted by trained teachers with upgraded syllabus. Courses are normally for 4 to 5 days. Saurashtra University (Rajkot) also provides Diploma Courses for six months in this regard.
Do you also conduct workshops?
Many workshops are conducted for children, adults and senior citizens. We have workshops for corporate offices too and some of our clients include, L&T, ONGC and many more.
Is the treatment different for a person suffering from thyroid cancer?
Yes, as everyone knows Cancer is degenerative so, it depends on patient’s condition.
How much do you charge for a session?
Our session fee starts from five hundred rupees for three days a week.
Another place where the art of acupressure is practiced is, Nada Acupuncture Wellness centre, where Dr. Ajay Vats has been practicing this treatment since past ten years. He answered a few essential queries for the public:
What are the treatments that you offer to heal people from Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism?
Acupuncture is a very good way to treat these types of diseases. Energy is our source, in other words its ‘chi’ of our body. Whenever it imbalances, it creates problems so, our main aim is to tackle with this imbalanced energy.
Which age group mostly comes in contact with this disorder? And why?
Age groups which are mainly affected starts from thirty. This is because our lifestyle has totally changed now. We are living in a world of technology because of which we have left behind our basic life functions like- walking, intake of healthy diet, waking up early in the morning and going to bed early at night and so on.
What or how it came to your mind to offer this treatment?
I am associated with NADA since many years now. NADA is National Acupuncture Detoxification Association which works in dead diction and for the betterment of the people. Once, I treated a person diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, his disorder came in control very easily. Since then, I decided to treat people of this disease through Acupuncture.
What precautions should people follow to avoid thyroid disorder?
People must follow the basic rule: simple life, good habits, good food, exercise daily and so on.
Do you offer any other type of treatment to cure thyroid?
Acupuncture is the main stream but we do offer Ayurveda also.
What is the session fee?
Our session fee starts from 200-500 rupees. The session is for an hour.
Dr. Arti Kumar practices the art of Acu at Arti Healing Centre, Vasantkunj, New Delhi.
Dr. Ajay Vats practices at Nada Acupuncture Wellness centre, Mehrauli, New Delhi.
Survey is taken from a research study conducted by National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), U.S National Library of Medicine.
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