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8 Most unusual types of Phobias!

Do you have a fear to lose your cell phone contacts? Or do you fear from being judged by people? Then probably you are suffering from one of the most unusual types of phobia.

Though, phobias are common among all of us and it is a kind of anxiety disorder in which the sufferer has persistent dread of situation, living creature, place or thing. But some phobias are weird but they do exist!

Here is the list of 8 most unusual types of phobias:

• Phobophobia: This is the mother of them all. It is the fear, or phobia of phobia itself.

• Turophobia: Fear of Cheese Sufferers of turophobia usually associate with cheese with a traumatic memory. Some of the turophobes fear one type of cheese while others may fear cheese altogether.

• Coulrophobia: Fear of clowns this phobia is usually present in children. The scary clowns have often been used in popular culture, for example in the form of the joker in Batman comics and film adaption.

• Hylophobia: Fear of trees hylophobia involves an irrational fear of wood, forest pr trees. It is often caused by exposure to films and fairy tales which involves scary woods in childhood. Many sufferers are not able to don’t grow out of the phobia and any walks in scenic setting can trigger anxiety.

8 Most unusual types of Phobias!


• Nomophobia: Fear of losing phone contacts what if we lose all our phone contacts? It itself sounds dangerous, we all fear to lose our contacts but do you know some of us develop this fear into the phobia and the sufferer always have fear to lose signals and running out of battery.

• Somniphobia: Fear of falling asleep Somniphobia comprises often irrational and excessive fear of asleep. Somniphobes may fear falling asleep because for them going to bed means death. As they associate going to bed with dying. It may also result from a feeling of lack of control or from suffering repeated nightmares.

• Sociophobia: Fear of being judged by society this is often found in many individuals. People are afraid of being judged by the society so, they are always conscious about their appearance.

• Xanthophobia: Fear of yellow color Sufferers of xanthophobia may fear anything yellow, including yellow paint, sun or even pretty flowers like daffodils. In it most aggressive from xanthophobic symptoms may include an overwhelming fear of even the phrase yellow.

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