8 Delhi Metro Etiquette that everyone should know and follow

Here are 8 Delhi Metro Etiquette that you should learn
Here are few basic Etiquette everyone should know!
1. Do not build baggage forts: Ideally, if if you are carrying 5-6 pieces of baggage, do not take the metro. However, if you have to, then stack them on top of each other so that they take less space. Do not, at any point, start building a fort by spreading out your luggage. Try to avoid carrying heavy bags.
2. No hand holding please: Ok, this one is simple even very simple. In fact, it is so simple a brain dead squirrel who is smoked too much weed and has drank 5 bottles of cough syrup should be able to understand this. If someone is already holding on to a handle strap, do not put your hand over his/hers and hold on to the same strap.
3.Get your news elsewhere: If the person next to you is reading the newspaper, do not shove your face into his/her space and start reading the newspaper. If you want get one for yourself . Sure, you might be dying to read more on the elections, sure you might want to know what Obama had for breakfast, and who got evicted from BiggBoss last night! But that does not give you the permission to peep into others newspaper.
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4.Ex-squeeze me: A normal human being, who does not have psychotic fits, would stand back on seeing a completely over-crowded, over-flowing metro train. But not your average metro-goer. Their solution to handling a crowded metro is hurling themselves like mad men into the crowd as though they are some metro train Mick Jagger!
5.Earphones? Ever heard of it? We realize there is no better place than the Metro to listen to “chikni chameli” or “pinky paisewalon ki” and similar devotional songs but blaring it at ear-shattering volume is not the way to go. Ever noticed that tiny hole on the edge of your phone? It is not for storing sugar grains! Plug in your damn earphones and listen to whatever it is you want to hear!
6.Stare! But be in your limits: As Indians, we love to stare at other people. Nothing wrong with it. Nothing at all. No, seriously, it is fine. But when you are inside the metro train the constant staring does not reflect greatly on you.
7.Do not be so Metrosexual! Lovers, couples, darlings, sweethearts, you are in love we get it! But please do not involve in PDA please. Its weird! You want to flirt? Do what every other average couple in India does. Do it running around trees and behind giant flowers!
8.Fart attack!Unleash dozens of skunks inside the metro we do not mind but please hold back on the generous gifting of gas! Beware of fart attacks!
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