7 reasons why you should quit smoking

First of all smoking is nothing to be proud of and second of all if you are thinking of quitting smoking then you have come to the right place!
Quit Smoking
Still thinking of legit reasons to give to your brain to quit smoking? Here’s the list of the 7 reasons why you should actually stop burning up that cigarette:
1. Smoking will make you anxious, irritated and depressed.
2. Smoking leads to hair fall, stretch marks and poor vision that can really ruin your looks!
3. Smoking affects your sense of taste and disturbs your digestive system.
4. Your heart will be stressed and your blood will become sticky because of smoking
5. Smoking gives you Chronic Cough and it also damaged your ‘identity’
6. Smokers are at a higher risk of infertility
7. Smoking can give you cancer of all sorts!