6 quotes of wisdom by Confucius

I bet you all will not even have a clue that who Confucius is but after reading this whole article you will realize how influential his words were!
Confucius was a Chinese philosopher, teacher and a political figure. He is known for his philosophy that emphasises personal and governmental morality, justice and sincerity.
A statue of Confucius
Following are 6 quotes of wisdom by Confucius:
1. When you become angry, think about the consequences
2. If it’s clear that you cannot achieve your goals, do not change your goals – change your actions.
3. Give guidance to only those who have acknowledged their ignorance and seek knowledge.
4. If people spit at your back, it means you’re ahead.
5. It does not matter how slow you go as long as you do not stop.
6. Whatever you do in life, do it with all your heart.