5 things you can do instead of falling back in love

When a long term relationship ends, we forget that our only objective is not to get right back into another one.
We know that people seek a huge, gaping hole waiting to be filled and we assume that it has to be someone else’s mind and heart and spirit that must fit inside perfectly.
But, there are other things in life to be done and experienced rather than going into the vicious cycle of a relationship. Let’s have a look what all you can do:
Things you can do instead of falling back in love
1. Go get into the best shape of your life. Try appreciating your body not just for the way it looks through someone else’s eyes, but for the way you feel. Learn some of your new physical limits, and then push them again and again.
2. Learn some adventure sport like to scuba dive or rock climb or paraglide. Whichever makes you feel the coolest.
3. Buy onesie and big, huge mug just to fill with tea and then learn to comfort yourself on the nights when no one else is there to comfort you, because you are all you need.
4. Go home and spend some serious and quality time with your family. Get to know them as people, as adults and as friends.
5. Now, this could sound funny, but sleep spread eagle across the bed.