5 interesting facts about the human brain

The brain is one of the most complex organs in the human body. It is very much evident that the worlds man made wonders are a result of the human brain.
Human brain acts as a storage device which stores ones most cherished memories. It is a command centre for the central nervous system.
Here are 5 facts about the human brain which are lesser known by many people.
1) The brain is the only organ in the human body which lacks nerves despite the fact that it is the command centre for the central nervous system, which simply means that the brain feels no pain
2)The brain consumes the largest amount of energy generated in the human body.
It consumes 20% of the total energy despite the fact that it represents only 2% of the total body weight. The energy in the brain is needed for maintaining healthy brain cells and nerve impulse
3)Number of neurons present in the human brain is around 100 billion which is 15
times the total human population on earth. The high number of neurons increase the processing ability of the brain
4) At the time of early pregnancy, neurons multiple at a rate of 250,000 per minute.
5)15-20% of total cardiac output is directed to the brain every minute.