5 common mistakes that men do after vigorous workout!

Ladies are crazy for men abs and men are crazy for ladies so having abs has become integral part of their life. It’s 30% how you train and 70% what you eat that sets the foundation of a good physique. But most of dudes are not even aware of it that they all commit some mistakes after a vigorous.
If you are doing these common five eating mistakes then stop blaming your workout, because you are the defaulter:
1) Not Having a Balanced Meal, Thinking That The Post Workout Protein Supplement Will Do All The Work
2) Eating Too Late After The Workout
Vigorous Workout
3) Not Having a Diet Plan & Mindlessly Eating Throughout The Day
4) Eating ‘Supposedly’ Fat Free Packaged Food
5) Eating Too Less Or Overeating
Guys if you are planning for gyming and all then keep these points in your mind before you make abs.