5 Best Ways To Tone Hips
We understand how hard it is to maintain your body when your office work involves sitting for more than 6 hours on the desk. You see yourself in the mirror and feel sad that you no more have that voluptuous body and your hips seems to have grown much more than before, thanks to the oily food you keep having!
However, your schedule is also such that you can lo longer go to gym after a tiring day. So today One World News, with the help of fitness trainer and owner of ALS gym, Ms. Sudipta Dubey, gets to you the best ways to get amazing and toned hips.
Kick Back
Sudipta says, “’Tone’ is the state of the muscles. So to have toned hips, one has to focus on the bigger picture, which is toning up the big supporting muscle groups and reducing the overall body fat levels. Without a sound nutrition plan, it would be impossible to achieve a toned body. So it is important to know the right moves and the right way of doing it.”
She recommends focusing on exercise, especially those involving the legs and the hips. A combination training involving strength bearing moves like squats, lunges and deadlift in combination with incline walk, step up work very well.
If possible aim for short workouts but keep the focus on intensity. 20 minutes of workouts involving legs and hips, thrice a week is enough to achieve the goals; spending long hours at the gym and repeating the same movements will do more harm than good.
Body responds the best after recovery, so give a gap of at least a day before repeating the workout.
Focus on nutrition, maintain the lean proteins and reduce the carbohydrates. Remember, a great body begins right in the kitchen.
Side Lag Raise
Unfortunately for some women the presence of the alpha receptors in the lower body makes the fat stubborn. No matter what they do, they still can’t get the results. If a plan hasn’t worked in 21 days then it might never, so abort it and get the expert’s advice on how to manipulate the fat cells better. Now let us tell you the right exercise and the right posture:
1) Squats: A posture almost similar to sitting on a chair. Focus on keeping the heels down and not extending the knee beyond the toe.
2) Lunges: Focus on keeping the bodyweight on the front leg.
3) Side leg raises: Focus on keeping the standing leg straight and lift the other one as high as possible, it’s all about balance.
4) Bent knee- kickback: Keep the back straight and core tightened (Pull the stomach in) to feel the maximum pressure on the hips. It is one of the most recommended exercises and is the most important as well.
5) Back kick- Keep the body straight and raise the leg without bending the knee, the trick is not to take it higher than a few inches, engage the muscle to the maximum.
Back Kick
Now no more you have to worry about your growing fats on the hip area. Just follow these five exercises and get amazing shaped hips. If you have any doubts or want to join the ALS Fitness Centre or want to know what sort of nutrition is good for your body type then you can visit their facebook page
Picture Credits : A. Kameshwari
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