4 Condom myths that you should not believe

With the state of sexual knowledge in our country, what has made it more difficult are the big bunch of myths. Yes, they are about condoms, too. We think we are aware about what’s there to an effective protection but that do not make up your mind before you read the following list.
So, here are the 4 common condom myths that you should stop believing.
1: Condoms do not expire
Well, the sad part is that they do! Do care enough to read those packet and you will see their expiration date. Some may believe that using an expired condom is way better than using no condom at all but be cautious as this can further youcause rashes and irritation. Another thing is that the condom can break easily as it also loses its flexibility. Don’t rush into bed the before you buy a new pack or also try being satisfied with a good hand job.
2: You have to be 18 to buy condoms
The truth is you can be as young or as old as you fancy to be able to buy the condoms. Plus, the advantage is you can also get them that too free of cost from community contraceptive clinics, sexual health and also the genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics, or from the organizations working towards sexual awareness.
3. No condoms are needed if the girl is on a pill
This is not true, and do not follow this blindly, as having pills does not prevent the STIs and even pills have their failure rate for pregnancy. So, this gives you a precautionary reason to use condoms.
4. Any lube can be used with condom
Most of thecondoms arealready lubricated enough to be used comfortable. In case, you then also need more lubrication, use water or the silicone based lubricants instead of an oil-based lubricant. Oil further eats away at the rubber and can lead to breaking of the condom.