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20 minutes cycling, best therapy for Heart diseases

Here is all you need to know about Heart Fitness

Here is all you need to know about Heart Fitness:- Cycling offers many physical health benefits, primary of which is improved cardiovascular fitness. It uses large muscle groups in the legs to elevate heart rate eventually leading to better stamina and endurance.

Other benefits of cycling are weight loss, improved metabolism and mental health. It enhances self-esteem and a general sense of well-being as well.

There have been many surveys, which show that cycling can have short and long term benefits for health. These show that cycling suggestively reduces the risk of premature death.

Here is all you need to know about Heart Fitness
Cycling best remedy to cure health diseases

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A study conducted by Purdue University proved that 20 minutes of daily cycling could cut the risk of one dying via heart disease to half. Reason for over 30 percent of global deaths is found to be Cardiovascular diseases. Even in India, quarter of all mortalities die due to cardiovascular diseases.

The Copenhagen Heart Study, found a major association between high intensity cycling and reduced risk of coronary heart disease death after monitoring over 5000 people over a period of 14 years.

Physical inactivity is associated with many of the leading reasons of lifestyle diseases like obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cardiac ailments and even some forms of cancer. Much like smoking, physical inactivity is also a significant risk factor for heart disease.

Insufficient physical activity is one of the main leading risk factors for death worldwide, reported by World Health Organization.

It recommends that adults between the ages of 18–64 years should get involved in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity all through the week. A daily 20 minutes cycle ride is sufficient to achieve this target.

The people, who cycle regularly, admit that it is a wonderful stress buster. There is no other workout as calming as riding a bicycle in a green environment. Cycling can also be adopted in daily life without actually determining time for exercise as it can be assimilated as a mode of transport.

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