12th Ishara International Puppet Festival 2014

In the last 12 years, Ishara has provided memorable entertainment and education for Indian audiences and attracted puppeteers and enthusiasts from all over the world. The festival produced by Teamwork Arts, focuses on both traditional and contemporary work from India and abroad and is seen as an established platform to further multimedia arts in India.
In 2014, the Festival is delighted to celebrate its 12th anniversary with a wide and exciting range of performances from across the world with more vibrant and creative lineup than ever before. The festival has modern and traditional forms, ranging from rod, string and shadow puppets; to mixed performances with dance, theatre, music and more.
The festival will take place from 24th Feb to 4th March 2014 at the Indian Habitat Centre in New Delhi, Epicenter in Gurgaon, Tagore Theatre in Chandigarh and Step by Step School in Jaipur
Highlights of performances at the 12th Ishara International Puppet Theatre Festival’ 2014
1) COUNTRY: Spain
Seven Baby Goats
Directed by: Aniceto Roca
Performed by: Paca Garcia y Aniceto Roca
Language: Non Verbal
Suitable for audiences: Family show
Duration: 40 minutes
25th February’14, Tagore Theatre, Chandigarh
27th February’14, Amphitheatre, IHC @7:30 pm onwards
1st March’14, Epicenter, Gurgaon @ 7:30 pm onwards
3rd March’14, Step by Step school, Jaipur @ 2:30 pm onwards,
Mother goat must go to the market and the children have to stay alone in the house, but with the warming that they should not open the door to anybody. Nevertheless, the ferocious Wolf comes calling and by mean of deceits he is be able to enter the house and eat them, but the smallest escape and along with the mother goat manages to rescue the kids from the belly of the wolf. And to get rid of the wolf forever, they fill his belly with stone. So when he falls into a river, he drowns, never to return to scare anyone.
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Peter and the wolf
Directed by: Drew Colby
Performed by: Drew Colby
Language: Non Verbal
Suitable for audiences: family show
Duration: 35 Minutes
Date and Venue
24th February’14, Amphitheatre, IHC @7:30 pm onwards
25th February’14, Epicenter, Gurgaon @7:30 pm onwards
27th February’14, Tagore Theatre, @ 7 pm Chandigarh
Early one morning, just as the sun is rising, a boy named Peter wanders out in search of an adventure. He tries to catch a fish, but he can’t – perhaps he will catch something bigger? He then goes rowing on the pond where he meets a shark (or is it just a duck?).
Peter’s grandfather is not pleased that Peter has wandered off without telling him – and sends him back into the house, just as a fearsome wolf comes out of the woods!
Prokofiev’s thrilling musical tale is told non-verbally with great charm and humor, together with lots of action.
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3) COUNTRY: Bulgaria
Concept, direction: Hristina Arsenova
Performed by: Nedelina Roselinova, Rumyana Kraleva, Dyan Rusev, Georgi Minkov
Language: Non Verbal
Suitable for audiences: family show
Duration: 40 minutes
Date and Venue:
25th February, Amphitheatre, IHC @ 7:30 pm onwards
26th February, Epicenter, Gurgaon @ 7:30 pm onwards
28th February’14, Tagore Theatre @ 7 pm Chandigarh
This show leads us in a typical folk environment to Bulgaria. Tumba-Lumba is a word picture of the rhythm and sound of the drum – the elder of the Bulgarian folk percussion instruments. It is a rhythm, throbbing with the heart-beat which makes the blood vibrate to the beat of the music and stirs out nature into a harmonious dance – the dance of life.
This dance of life depicts the sunrise, the wealth of seasons’ colour, the rapture over the rich harvest and the joy of existence. A typical show of the Bulgarian folklore played with puppets which fill the audience with genuine gaiety and optimism.
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4) COUNTRY: Ireland
The Musical Menagerie
Directed by: Thomas Baker
Performed by: Thomas Baker and Boris Hunka
Language: Non Verbal
Suitable for audiences: family show
Duration: 60 minutes
Date and Venue:
26th February’14, Tagore Theatre @ 7 pm, Chandigarh
27th February’14, Epicenter, Gurgaon @ 7:30 pm onwards
2nd March’14, Amphitheatre, IHC 7:30 pm onwards
4th March’14, Step by Step school, Jaipur @ 12:30 pm and 3:30 pm
The show combines the musical imagination of Boris Hunka, (multi-instrumentalist, improviser and composer) with the skills of renowned puppeteer and actor Thomas Baker. The result is a magical mix of entertainment, education and escapism.
In the story, the two zookeepers reminisce about their first days in the job and along the way, we meet a range of exotic animals. The animals combine breath-taking realism with elements of fantasy that have become the trademark of Your Man’s Puppets. Since its inception, the company has become known for delivering imaginative, reliable, professional shows, which tick all the boxes in your entertainment line-up, draws a crowd, and leaves your audience satisfied and full of memories of a great-shared family experience.
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5) COUNTRY: Isreal
Directed by: Ariel Doron
Performed by: Ariel Doron
Suitable for audiences: 8+
Duration: 40 minutes
Date and Venue:
4th March’14, Amphitheatre, IHC@7:30 pm onwards
3rd March’14, Epicenter, Gurgaon @ 7:30 pm onwards
Punch, Pulcinella, Guingol..
Meet ”Pinhas!” the first Israeli traditional glove puppet!
Join him in his adventures with friends and enemies such as “Ruthi”, the sexy
settler, “Gamali”, the hungry camel which eats everything he sees, “Yona”, The
peace dove with the olive branch ,“Moshe Dayan” The famous army General,
and more colorful characters and surprises from the holy land!
The show gives a fresh and funny interpretation to the traditional glove puppet,
and while it is very local, and deals with today’s Israeli society and political
issues, it is at the same time universal, so that people from everywhere and every age group can enjoy the show!
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6) COUNTRY: Azerbaijan
Directed by: Gurban Mansimov
Performed by: Azerbaijan State Puppet Theatre
Language: Non Verbal
Suitable for audiences: Family show
Duration: 40 minutes
3rd March’14, Amphitheatre, IHC @7:30 pm onwards
2nd March’14, Epicenter, Gurgaon @7:30 pm onwards
Get prepared to meet an array of loveable and colourful puppet characters that dance and sing their way into your hearts. A darling donkey loves to dance, an innocent young man who is looking for love and a rather naughty big black bird who thinks he is the smartest of them all. The show consists of five folk numbers from different cultures and nations and introduces its audience to the world’s rich diversity and the enjoyment of dance, music, and rhythm. The show is a musical delight for the whole family!
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7) COUNTRY: India
Life in Progress
Directed by: Anurupa Roy
Performed by: Katkatha Puppet Arts Trust
Language: Non Verbal
Suitable for audiences: 10+
Duration: 50 minutes
Date and Venue:
26th February, Amphitheatre, IHC @ 7:30 pm onwards
With this show, the Katkatha Puppet Arts Trust takes us back to the basic philosophy of puppet theatre, which is about animating or breathing life into dead material to create an impression of life. With an array of paper, plastic, metal frames, objects and masks, a team of puppeteers, dancers and performers play with these materials in every way possible. One learns how life begins in the morning with the newspaper coming in and then the next day it turns into trash. Old newspapers, a rag-picker, creepy crawlies, creatures from nightmares, dreamscapes, plastic bottles, curious people, devouring mouths, running individuals – all make up the set of haunting and unforgettable images of this non-verbal improvised performance.
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery gallery_type=”thumbnails” theme_id=”2″ gallery_id=”61″ sort_by=”order” image_column_number=”5″ images_per_page=”30″ image_title=”show” image_enable_page=”0″ thumb_width=”180″ thumb_height=”90″ popup_width=”275″ popup_height=”183″ popup_effect=”fade” popup_interval=”5″ popup_enable_filmstrip=”1″ popup_filmstrip_height=”70″ popup_enable_ctrl_btn=”1″ popup_enable_fullscreen=”1″ popup_enable_comment=”1″ popup_enable_facebook=”1″ popup_enable_twitter=”1″ popup_enable_google=”1″ watermark_type=”none” watermark_link=”http://web-dorado.com”]
8) COUNTRY: India
Created & Directed by: Dadi D. Pudumjee
Performed by: Ishara Puppet Theatre Trust
Suitable for audiences: Family show
Duration: 50 minutes
Date and Venue:
28th February, Amphitheatre, IHC @7:30 pm onwards
As a tribute to the hundreds of puppeteers, artists and performers who have travelled far and wide to perform and support the Ishara International Puppet Festival, for the 12th anniversary, here’s a show unlike anything before. Inspired by legendary puppeteer Michael Meschke; Dadi Pudumjee brings to life an unforgettable mélange of the shows from Ishara’s past. Meet Sutradhar, the eternal pessimist, as he has a lively exchange with the puppet who is the world’s biggest optimist. Through excerpts from the previous Ishara puppet plays; the audience learns about the universal truths that each human being has within them and how without these the world would not exist. A soul searching performance that crosses the boundaries of all countries.
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9) COUNTRY: India
Dhola Maru
Directed by: Puran Bhat
Performed by: Aakaar Puppet Theater
Language: Musical
Suitable for audiences: family show
Duration: 50 minutes
Date and Venue:
24th February, Tagore Theatre @ 7 pm, Chandigarh
Dhola Maru is a folk tale originated in northwest Rajasthan. This romantic legend of the separation of a young couple and their subsequent reunion was traditionally sung as a ballad, enacted as a nautanki drama and illustrated in numerous painting.The current production is an adaptation of this story.
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To book tickets (Rs. 350/- per ticket) go online on www.kyazoonga.com or contact + 91 (011) 26805477, 26801477.
Ishara puppet festival, puppet festival, events in delhi, event in epicenter