10 Things You Should Do Before You Die

Here are 10 things you should do before you die
We all have some dreams and there are few things we want to do before we die. Some wants to travel across the world, some wants to fly, and many more. There are so many things that we want to do before we die. Here is the list of 10 things you should do before you die. Take a look.
1. Go on a road trip: You should go on a road trip with your friends without any tension. Just go and explore with your friends.

2.Live in a different country: Living in a different country is something great experience. Apart from travelling, moving to a different place is awesome thing you should do before you die.
3.Sleep under stars: This can be the most awesome thing you can do. Every night sleeping under the roof is different but sleeping under the stars is something awesome and beautiful thing to do.
4.Overcome your fear: This you should definitely do before you die. Whatever the phobia you have, you should conquer it.
5.Eat something different: Eat something different which you won’t eat usually. It could be anything vegetables, chicken, some insect etc. Experience some new taste, you will really enjoy it.
6.Learn new skill: Learn some new things or skills whatever it may be. Don’t stick at one thing. Learn some foreign language, western dance form etc.
7.Sleep somewhere at haunted place: You should experience some paranormal activities in your life. Go and explore some haunted places and make stories of your own.
8.Research your Family tree: You should definitely know about your family background. It is important to know about your family that who is your grandfather, great grandfather?
9.Get in a mud fight: Believe me, this is the best thing to do among all. It is fun, messy and good for skin. Get in a mud fight and get back in tune with your inner child.

10.Follow a dream: In your whole life you would have many dreams, but all cannot be achieved. You should at least achieve one of your dreams before you die. Do whatever you want do.
There are a lot of things we all want to do. Yes, everything cannot be achieved but few of them can be definitely achieved. Don’t leave room for regret.