Understanding the pros and cons of the Railway Unification

Explained: How Railway Unification will employees?
The recent announcement of the Union Cabinet to unify the eight different Group A services into a combined Indian Railway Management Service (IRMS) has been met with both appreciation and questions. The major reason given for the restructuring was the delay in decision making and projects due to the segregated departments. The 8 departments being merged are-
Indian Railway Traffic Service (IRTS), Indian Railway Accounts Service (IRAS), Indian Railway Personnel Service (IRPS), Indian Railway Service of Engineers (IRSE), Indian Railway Stores Service (IRSS), Indian Railway Service of Electrical Engineers (IRSEE), Indian Railway Service of Signal Engineers (IRSSE), and Indian Railway Service of Mechanical Engineers (IRSME)
A historic decision that needs to be looked at from all angles
The Railway Board will also be reorganized and will be headed by Chairman Railway Board who will also be the CEO. There will also be 4 members and some independent members.
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The details of the merger are still being finalized and will be given soon.
As different people have expressed different opinions on this news, let us take a look at the arguments.
In favor-
- Railway Unification will help reduce the time taken to make decisions
- Calls for a smoother working
- End departmentalism
- Help the board form a singular and more consensual vision
- Help in rational decision making
- Promote transparency and fairness
- This was a suggestion that had been made by various committees in the past, like Prakash Tandon Committee in 1994, Rakesh Mohan Committee in 2001, Sam Pitroda Committee in 2012 and Bibek Debroy Committee in 2015.
- There is a worry about seniority
- There is uncertainty about career growth
- Reduction in the specialization of skills
It will be important that this mammoth exercise be closely monitored and the historic decision leads to fruitful results.
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