Friendship doesn’t have a Religion: Amid COVID 19 chaos, stories that are giving ‘Hope’

There is a ‘Hope’ that everything will fall into place if we stand together
Nobody imagined that the new decade will start off with a pandemic. Sadly, this is the reality. We all are trying to adjust to this new normal. Everybody is doing their bit to come out from the so -called unexpected situation. After three strict lockdowns in India, the government has finally given some relaxations with an aim to revive economy. Pictures from all across the nation of migrants are breaking heart.
Viral videos and images show, how we have failed them. Millions of workers are heading back to their native villages. They are walking miles to be with their near and dear ones. They have complains, they have pain, but they have not lost hope. There are people who are restoring our faith in humanity. They are proving that if we stand together this shall pass soon.
The Viral Picture which is sending out a strong message
Recently, a picture of a 24 -year -old migrant worker who was weeping and cradling the body of his friend Amrit went viral. Later, the migrant worker, who was crying, was identified as Mohammad Yaqoob. Yes, read that again Mohammad Yaqoob.
Yakoob and Amrit were childhood friends. Both used to work in Gujarat. They didn’t work in the same factory, but they shared the room. After the lockdown was announced, they decided to go back to their villages in Uttar Pradesh. They paid Rs. 4000 for a truck ride. Unfortunately, Amrit fell ill due to dehydration. Others in the truck insisted to dump him, but Yaqoob didn’t leave his friend. They were dropped at Kolaras -by pass. He took his friend to the nearby hospital, but Amrit died. It was a heart wrenching incident, but the gesture that Yaqoob showed is giving out ‘Hope’. The Hope of Peace, Harmony, and Humanity. He lost his friend, but he won the battle of Humanity.
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Dosti Dharam nhi Jaanti!
Yaqoob was captured weeping. What happened to Amrit was heart wrenching, but what Yakoob did, shows friendship doesn’t have religion. “Dosti Dharam nhi Jaanti”. Today, we live in a space where there is so much against each other’s religion. We are constantly consuming content which is full of hatred, and not everybody knows when to stop. But then, there are people like Yaqoob who have proved no religion is above friendship and humanity.
Not the first incident
This is not the first time when we have come across such hopeful story. Before this, on April 16th, Muslim neighbours in Madhya Pradesh cremated their Hindu friend. Notably, relatives of the latter weren’t able to make it to the funeral due to the lockdown. There are so many NGOs operated by Muslims that are helping people. The tough time has brought people together. There will always be a section of society which spread hatred, but as they say- “In the end, Humanity takes it over”.
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What is the takeaway?
It is time to rethink! To think before we act. Bad time is a great teacher, and not everybody stick to each other during the tough time. Yaqoob could have easily gone back to his home, and dumped Amrit there. But he didn’t. It restored our faith in humanity! No religion can be bigger than Humanity, isn’t? If we decide to stand together this shall pass too. All we need is that one effort to think above religion. Let us stop bashing each other and look at brighter stories too.
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