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coronavirus lockdown – This lockdown is not actually a lockdown!!

Its like we have given some rest to the earth and to ourselves
We all have become more kind and more responsible during this period and how?
We are taking care of ourselves.
We are eating healthy food.
We are adjusting with the limited options.
We are keeping the environment clean by not going out using any vehicle.
We are spending time with family.
We are doing cleaning and helping our mothers.
We are feeding the stray animals.
We are watering the plants.
We are not having any work stress.
We are reading books.
We are watching the news instead of watching daily soaps and movies.
We are doing our part in fighting with this virus by staying home.
We are finding out our hidden talents.
We are realising how important are the people we are not getting to meet
We are hearing sounds of birds chirping and not the machinery.
We can see the fishes through the water.
Animals are no more scared and living freely.
The grass is greener, the sky is blue and the air is clean.
Read more: COVID 19 outbreak is bringing out best in us
What else we need?
We are healing, the earth is healing
We are becoming a better person, the world is becoming a better place.
This is the change we always wanted to see but never tried is happening right now?
In the fear of dying we have started living better and healthier.
So lets stay positive during this tough time and hope for the good.
By – Sheetal Sharma ( )
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