
Know About – Pre-Marriage Medical Tests: Why Should Couples Go For Certain Health Checkups Before Marriage? Expert Explains

Pre-marriage Medical tests: In order to preserve good health, identify possible issues before they become serious

Pre-Marriage Medical Tests: Why Should Couples Go For Certain Health Checkups Before Marriage? Expert Explains

Pre-marriage Medical tests: In order to preserve good health, identify possible issues before they become serious, and obtain prompt medical attention, couples should have routine medical examinations. They are essential for controlling chronic illnesses, optimizing fertility, boosting general well-being, and providing preventative healthcare. In light of their age, medical history, and risk factors, couples should schedule routine check-ups and screenings and talk through their needs with a healthcare professional. Here are some tests that couples must go for before marriage –

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Overall health:

These inadequacies may result in weakness, weariness, and mood swings. If vitamin deficiencies are the cause of these symptoms, testing can assist determine that and enable treatment to restore general health and energy levels.Bone health: Strong bones require the absorption of calcium, which is made possible by vitamin D. A deficiency may cause the bones to weaken and fracture more frequently. This may become an issue as we get older.

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