
Adopt This 7-Minute Pranayama Schedule to Avoid Dengue and Other Monsoon Illnesses

Boost immunity this monsoon with Yoga 7-minute pranayama routine. Fight dengue and stay healthy with simple breathing exercises.

Boost Your Monsoon Health: Adopt YogMantra’s 7-Minute Pranayama Schedule to Ward Off Dengue and Other Seasonal Illnesses

When monsoon comes, people start thinking about diseases such as dengue and other diseases which are related to that season. They also recommend practicing pranayama, a set of exercises in breathing developed within the yoga system, to boost their immune system in the present circumstances. Here’s a simple 7-minute pranayama exercise which will assist you in strengthening your body against these conditions.

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Benefits of Pranayama During Monsoon: It is necessary to note here that Pranayama also increases lung capacity but at the same time helps in building immunity which is a significant factor in fighting diseases such as dengue that are prominent during the rainy season. It emphasizes regular practice of exercises which can be beneficial to the respiratory and other related systems in the human body.

Yoga tips for immunity: 8 daily practices to fight infections during monsoon | Health - Hindustan Times

The Yoga Routine:

1. Kapalbhati (2 minutes):
o. Sit with your back straight while sitting.
o Breathe slowly and hold the breath in, then breathe out vigorously using the diaphragm, stomach muscles and blowing through the nose.
o Continue in an appealing music beat for a 2-minute loop replenishing the respiratory system and enhancing oxygen supply.

2. Anulom Vilom (2 minutes):
o Its other name is the ancient technique of using a finger to close one nostril while breathing.
o Place the right finger on the right nostril and draw in air through the left one forcefully.
o Tilt your head slightly to the right and apply pressure on the left nostril using the right ring finger while blowing through the right nostril.
o Continue this cycle for 2 minutes in order to effect the body’s energy and calm the spirit.

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3. Bhramari Pranayama (2 minutes):
o Sit in a quiet place. Look at the closed or blindfolded eyes and place the right hand’s index fingers on the forehead and gently applied to the eyelids.
o Take a deep breath and blow out the air as though you are blow- ing bubbles, while humming as softly as a bee.
o This practice also has the added benefit of relieving stress and anxiety and strengthening immunity.

Conclusion: Regular practice of Yoga pranayama along with other Yogic routines also improve physical well-being and immune system to protect oneself from diseases associated with monsoons like dengue fever. If you are willing to spare only 7 minutes per day, you can look forward to a much-improved health status by the time the lovely weather sets in.

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Doing pranayama in addition to washing hands or avoiding water logged areas will also help to keep ones health safe during the monsoons. So, there is no better reason to begin practising Yoga than developing a stronger immunity and improving your monsoons.

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