
Practice Yoga For A Healthy Heart- Know More Benefits Here !

Yoga gives us a natural and safe option to treat different health problems either at preventive level or at curative level that holistic approach extends to cardiac health. Combining the mechanisms of pranayama, mudras, and asanas, yoga can provide a wide range of beneficial effects.

Yoga for healthy heart: 5 Pranayama exercises to add to your daily fitness drill

Ironically, it is no longer the old age that predicts heart attack. Young people in their twenties are becoming victims of heart attacks.Is it due to the fact that we lose our regular meals and replace it with “fast food” with no value of nutrition.  However, this is not the end of the matter since there are numerous aspects which are mostly focussed on an unhealthy lifestyle. Fortunately, very simple things will help you handle this. One key thing is to start with this new life by carving out a healthier lifestyle. It is less difficult than usual to do. Can you imagine that even some simple stretches and breathing techniques might improve not only your mental but also your (very important) physical state? Yoga’s poses, also known as asana, should be utilized as a proactive measure and can also be helpful as a therapeutic one as well. It will not result in any side-effects, except the feeling of improved health and peace. Here are some yoga exercises for healthy heart and fitness-

Kapal Bhati Pranayama: Bellows Breath/Skull Shining Breathing

Breathe regularly and concentrate on expelling with short, rhythmic, and powerful breaths. Breathe in again from your stomach triggering a big outward exhale, driving all the air from the diaphragm and lungs. Take the breath short, rapid, and quiet it should happen automatically in the out-breathing process.

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Brahmari Pranayama: Bee Breath

Put the tips of your thumbs at the ‘Tragus’ (the external flap located just below your ear, on the side of your head). Locate your index finger on the area of your forehead that is directly above your eyes, keep your middle finger at the Medial Canthus, and your ring finger on the corner of your nostril. Take the air in the deepest way, that it makes your lungs filled with air. While emitting the breath, make low buzzing sounds, just like you would if you imitated the bee sound. When breathing through the nose, keep your mouth closed and simply imagine the vibrations of the sound spreading from your body.

Bhastrika Pranayama:

Breathe in deeply, taking first essential step of adding air into your lungs.Exhale completely.Maintain a 1:1 ratio of inhalation and exhalation.For example, let us imagine that you inhale for the period of 6 counts, and exhale for the period of 6 counts.

Vratakar Pranayama:

Take a deep, full breath throughout the exhalation. Do not let your stomach area to endure the pull. Imagine a trio of circles before your eyes. Apply your hands and in circles motioning them close to the nose. Try to picture the air flowing into your nose like the spring.Now be doing just a normal breathing – three circles moving opposite the direction of the clock in front of your nose with each breath you do and let it out. Begin by depicting a few circles and then gradually continue to 100 circles as you progress in your learning process. This technique will help you gain mastery in it.

Anulom Vilom Pranayama (Alternate Nostril Breathing):

Thoroughly do finger exercises with your right hand while breathing gently through your left nostril, using the thumb of your left hand. Close your left nostril and exhale through your right nostril. Experience the fresh energy of the breath by breathing in through your right nostril, then closing that nostril to breathe out through your left nostril. Do one set like this – and then repeat the whole drill about 10 minutes.

Yoga gives us a natural and safe option to treat different health problems either at preventive level or at curative level that holistic approach extends to cardiac health. Combining the mechanisms of pranayama, mudras, and asanas, yoga can provide a wide range of beneficial effects.

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