
Malaria to Chikungunya: 5 types of monsoon fevers, know prevention tips

You may enjoy the rainy season and avoid these common but dangerous monsoon fevers by being cautious and according to these prevention suggestions.

Malaria to Chikungunya: 5 types of monsoon fevers, know prevention tips

While the monsoon season provides much-needed respite from the intense summer heat, it also heralds an increase in illnesses spread by mosquitoes. Static water combined with humidity makes the perfect environment for mosquitoes to breed, which increases the incidence of several fevers. These are the top five monsoon fevers and how to avoid them to be safe.

monsoon fevers

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General Monsoon Fevers Prevention Advice

– Practice good personal hygiene by often washing your hands with soap and water. Maintain a dry and clean living space to stop mosquitoes from breeding.

– Maintain good hygiene and routinely dispose of waste.

– Increase your resistance to illness by eating a well-balanced diet high in fruits, vegetables, and liquids.

– If you suffer any of these feverish symptoms, get medical help right away.

You may enjoy the rainy season and avoid these common but dangerous monsoon fevers by being cautious and according to these prevention suggestions. Remain healthy and well!

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