
Mental health is nothing?’ The Ignorance Surrounding Mental Health: A Wake-Up Call!

The video serves as a wake-up call, highlighting the urgent need for mental health awareness and education.

‘Mental health is nothing?’ The Ignorance Surrounding Mental Health: A Wake-Up Call!

Mental health is nothing?' The Ignorance Surrounding Mental Health: A Wake-Up Call!

A video that recently went viral demonstrated a campaign instance when a man made a mockery of a GenZ co-worker’s decision to have one week off to heal from a break up. Stating that ‘mental health is nothing’ he has exhibited the worst sort of attitude and ignorance towards people suffering with the mental ailments.

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The Incident:

This frustrated man uttered those profound words on video, proving that he had no idea how much his coworker was dealing with emotionally. He shrugged off the breakup as something inconsequential, meaning to suggest that it was not a justifiable cause for the leave.

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The Reality:

Mental health is not “nothing.” It touches on every aspect of our daily lives, and is, therefore, a critical component of our total health. It is, therefore, terrible to behold when couples break up because it comes with anxiety, depression, and indeed suicidal thoughts. Denial or minimisation of such emotions only worsens the problem.


The man’s words contribute to prejudice towards people with the issues with their head, hr. Such attitudes:

– Make it difficult for people to discuss hardships they’re going through emotionally
= Stop people from asking for assistance
Establish a toxic workplace

Gen Z’s Awareness:

The mental aspect of health is valued by Gen Z because everyone knows it encompasses all aspects of wellbeing. It liberates them from the stigma to speak out, look for help, and demand others do so too.

Call to Action:

Enough is enough and it’s high time now that we and everyone around us become aware of mental health. We must:

Build tolerance
– Discuss to Superstring
– Fund mental health causes
– Cultivate assertiveness to admitting the reality of the emotional suffering

Hence, the cure is sent as a wake up call for people to pay attention to mental health problems. It is time to work for a culture that works toward promoting a healthy culture where you and others can talk about your feelings and seek help. Everybody’s brain is important – shouldn’t they get the same credit?

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