Identifying Developmental Delays in Children Under Five Years Old
Maintaining the development of your child seems like a worry that appears naturally among parents.
Identifying Developmental Delays in Children Under Five Years Old
Maintaining the development of your child seems like a worry that appears naturally among parents. Checking your child’s growth indicators and spotting early signs of delay will help them access support which enables their healthy development. You should monitor the following developmental achievements in children under 5 years old:
Infancy (0-12 months)
Children should lift their heads during stomach time between 1 and 2 months of age.
Your baby will produce smiles and laughter between two and three months of age.
– Rolling over by 4-6 months
Most children begin to reach for toys between 6 months and 7 months of age.
Your child should maintain sitting posture with support between six and seven months.
During the period from 9 to 12 months most children start to speak their first recognizable words that either include “mama” or “dada”.

Toddlerhood (1-3 years)
– Walking independently by 12-14 months
Children achieve pointing to body parts in the time range between 12-18 months of age.
Kids develop the ability to link three words at once by the age of 18 through 24 months.
Children reach the milestone of following simple instructions between 18 and 24 months of age.
The interest in reading activities should emerge at 2-3 years of age.
Children start using around fifty words while joining two-word combinations at age two or three.
Preschool age (3-5 years)
By age 3-4 children usually speak in sentences made up of 3-4 words.
Early childhood students should achieve basic shape and color recognition when they are aged between 3-4 years.
The ability to understand numbers between 1 and 10 will be observed in children by ages 4 through 5 years.
Around age three children tend to show interest in toileting needs.
During their fourth and fifth year of age children can combine symbols in imaginative play so a block becomes a phone.
Contact your pediatrician anytime when you notice unusual development in your child. Your pediatrician will evaluate your child and provide useful information about development support methods. A prompt response from professionals can create substantial improvements which allow children to match their peers and ultimately reach their potential.
Every kid follows their personal development timeline because some require extra time to learn specific abilities. Checking your child’s development while seeking help at appropriate times will give them the best possible beginnings in life.
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