
Expert Dr Shriram Nene advice on 5 worst foods to avoid for breakfast

Starting your day right with healthy breakfast choices is key to keeping energized, focused and for good overall health.

5 worst foods to avoid for breakfast, reveals Dr Shriram Nene

Breakfast is frequently called the most important meal of the day, but if you’re not careful about what you eat, you could be eating the wrong food. In a Twitter post, Dr.Shrenik Nene, M.D., a renowned cardiovascular surgeon and health enthusiast, advised his followers to steer clear of five unhealthy items to make sure your first meal of the day is a healthy one.


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Sugary Cereals

A lot of cereals directed at both children and adults are packed with sugar. They may give you a quick buzz, but it’s often followed by a slump which will leave you feeling sluggish and craving yet more sugar. Dr. Nene adds that these types of cereals don’t contain enough fiber or protein to keep you full and alert all morning.

Pastries and Doughnuts

As much as you may love a good pastry or doughnut in the morning, these are some of the worst breakfast foods to include in your diet. The high amount of refined sugars and unhealthy fats found in these morning treats can translate into weight gain and an increased risk of heart disease over time. Because they contain so few important nutrients, eating such foods can cause major peaks and valleys in your blood sugar levels as well.

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Flavored Yogurts

While yogurt can be a healthy option, flavored varieties can have as much sugar as a candy bar. Dr. Nene recommends eating plain, unsweetened yogurt and adding your own fresh fruit or a small drizzle of honey to achieve natural sweetness so you get the probiotics and protein without the added sugar.

White Bread Toast

White bread has no fiber or any nutrients found in whole grains, so you get hungry quickly after eating it. It also turns into sugar in your bloodstream. You feel hungrier and tired soon after eating white bread because your body can’t do anything with the sugar. White bread products are usually fortified to help make up for all the nutrients they’re deficient in. Instead of white bread, pick out some whole grain or multigrain breads that will give you food for sustained energy and better digestion.

Breakfast Bars

Even something as simple as a breakfast bar which is marketed as healthy and convenient can turn out to be unhealthy. Such bars can contain loads of sugars, preservatives and artificial ingredients. They often do not provide enough protein and fiber yet this does not make them any different from a candy bar dressed up in the garb of health food. Dr. Nene advises on having a balanced breakfast using whole foods products instead

Starting your day right with healthy breakfast choices is key to keeping energized, focused and for good overall health. Avoiding these five breakfast mistakes that Dr. Shriram Nene lists can go a long way in helping you take better control of your day, eating whole grains, low sugar options and balanced meals helps you fuel your body and mind better.

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