
Do You Know Silent Epidemic Heart Attack Is Killing? Here are Symptoms And Essential Tests

In India, heart attacks are now a regular medical emergency. The number of instances throughout the nation has sharply increased.

Did You Know? The Silent Epidemic of Heart Attacks Is Killing Many

Silent Epidemic of Heart Attacks

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Dizziness or lightheadedness: Symptoms like fainting, dizziness or light headedness particularly while standing from a sitting or a lying position is usually indicative of reduced blood supply to the brain.

Shortness of breath: Any discomfort that makes a person think he or she has a difficult time breathing is especially when there is no rigorous physical activity or walking in between.

In order to determine their risk of heart disease, Dr. Viveka also outlined the standard tests that all Indians need to undergo. Look at this below:

Blood glucose testing: Diabetes poses a serious risk for heart disease, thus it is critical to keep an eye on your blood sugar levels.

Cholesterol screening: Measuring triglycerides, total cholesterol, LDL (bad) cholesterol, and HDL (good) cholesterol can all be used to determine a person’s risk of heart disease.

Blood pressure measurement: Since hypertension is a major risk factor for heart disease, regular blood pressure monitoring is crucial to identifying hypertension.

Electrocardiogram, often known as an EKG or ECG: This test captures the electrical activity of the heart and can be used to identify additional cardiac problems or irregular heart rhythms.

Stress test: This examination assesses your heart’s ability to adapt to stress and may be used to identify coronary artery disease.

Which step is the most important?

Putting your health first above anything else is imperative right now. It is imperative that you get checked, particularly if you have a family history of heart issues. Heart health can be promoted and heart disease can be prevented with regular screenings and early detection.

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