Sex Education Season 3: 7 Things to Learn From the Series

Sex Education Season 3 released, a complete packet of sex-positive drama
The third season of the much-awaited series, Sex Education has been released and no surprise, Sex Education is creatively addressing issues that have long been tabooed. In the last two seasons of Sex education, teens explored their sexuality during their puberty. The third season becomes more intense as it helps children unite their voices against the school that moral polices values, identities, and choices of the young adults. Sex Education is about students understanding sex-positivity in a better, and mature manner and fighting against the abstinence of the school.
7 Things to learn from the series Sex Education
1. Exploring one’s Identity
Where the entire show has been about exploring sexuality and understanding the prospects of one’s own body, at one instance, Jackson asked his mother who is a lesbian if she knew she is a lesbian from the very start. He asked this as he was attracted to a non-binary person and was confused if he is the person he thinks he is. In season 1, it was Ola who explored her gender identity and sexuality. And the best part is that the show shows how to help teens explore themselves rightly.
2. Using the right pronouns
Eric, a gay person who visits Nigeria for a family function has been asked by his grandmother to tell more about who is he dating. As it’s not very safe to come out of the closet in Nigeria, Eric didn’t directly explain the sexuality and identity of his lover and yet used the pronoun, “they” to respect the identity of his partner.
3. Not policing the uniform
The new headteacher of the school named Hope, in the name of unity, introduced school uniforms. Girls were allowed to wear skirts and boys were to wear pants. Here, one of the students (with female genitalia) refused to wear the skirt as it doesn’t match her gender identity. So, here it is, schools should not be policing uniforms on the basis of gender.
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4. Need for Gender Neutral Toilets
At one point, Cal asked Hope, the new headteacher to introduce gender-neutral toilets. She stated that the making of toilets on the basis of genders increases uncertainties for the people who don’t fit the binary division of men and women.
5. Value of Sex and Relationship Education (SRE)
Sex and Relationship Education remains in the corner of the syllabus, something that no one really wants to talk about. The schools’ rigidity for not including sex-positive educational style makes the situation worst. Here, in one of the SRE classes, the students were divided on the basis of their sex and were shown videos promoting abstinence and misinformation around sex. The headteacher Hope approved of that. This is to which the students revolted. The misinformation or no information around relationships and sexual health is something that can be more problematic for children and hence quality SRE is very important for children.
6. Understanding your own body
Knowing about one’s own body is a part of knowing oneself and loving oneself. Jean, the sex therapist talked to Aimee regarding Vulvas stating all vulvas are not the same. This one particular idea made her learn so much about vulva and female sexual anatomy.
7. Communication is the key
There have been ample instances throughout the series Sex Education when people have solved complicated relations with communication. Be it Jean and Jacob, Lily and Ola, Maeve and Aimee, Otis and Jean or Otis and Maeve. All of them have had issues with each other and they took time to re-think, re-evaluate and re-communicate to resolve the issues between them and move forward.