
Film review : Chaarfutiya Chhokare

A Fight for Justice: Chaarfutiya Chhokare

Movie rating *** (3 stars)

The movie ChaarfutiyaChhokare brings the social issues of rural India into limelight. Story revolves around three teenage boys and their journey from youth to a life of crime due to the problems in their native village.

Soha Ali Khan, who is the lead in the movie, has done justice to her character. She plays a NRI girl who arrives in India to set up a school in her parent’s native village. Optimistic about her endeavor she is unaware about the hardships and hindrances awaiting her in the village.

Although the story line of the movie is not new as there are so many other movies reflecting issues of child trafficking and sexual exploitation of children, this was a very nice attempt by Manish Harishshankar to address the issue in a new light. The dirty political activities embedded in the villages are reflected well in the movie. The movie has wonderful grip and it is really unpredictable.

Screenplay of the movie is good but the script is the clear USP of the movie.The songs and dialogues had perfect timing which kept the pace of the movie fast and steady. Soha Ali Khan not only looks good in the movie but she has also shown her versatility in acting skills.

The visual effects of the movie, given by Prisca, are amazing. The songs of the movie are notchartbusters but are beautifully sung by MaliniAwasthi and Sharda Sinha.

The movie also had very talented actors like Seema Biswas, who plays the role of the mother of one of the leads.

The dialogues are amazing; they are finely written and delivered in authentic Bhojpuri language.

The film aptly reflects the state of the country. Watch this film to have an idea about how people are compelled to live a deprived life due to deprived means.

With the message that even a single person’s efforts can do wonders,we all should come forth and learn something from this movie.

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