Why don’t your employees do what you want them to do? Let us decode the reasons!

Why don’t your employees do what you want them to do?
Are you a manager irritated by the fact that your employees are not doing what you want them to do? Do you feel helpless when your employees don’t listen to what you are saying? But have you ever questioned yourself why is this happening? Well, let us tell you that it is all about leadership.
The present workplace culture is not really the one where an employee starts to obediently follow whatever you are telling. Obviously, you being the man in charge, you want discipline in your office. You definitely want all the work to be done on time in order to meet the requirements of your organization. But the present generation in your workplace is not the same. They also have some expectations from their bosses. They are sensitive, responsive and responsible. It is just that you have to develop a balance between you and them.
Here are a few tips that will help you in letting your employees do what you want them to do:
Honestly, there is no rocket science in this. It is simple. If you want the employee to do a particular thing, just make them feel the need for it. To do so, here are some tips –
1. Employees are unaware of what is their company expects from them and what are the goals of the company
The very first reason behind why your employees are not going with your will can be that they are not aware of why you want them to do. The employee should be made clear, the reason for whatever you are asking them to do.
2. Check if you think like this – “Employees are there to make money. I have to tell squeeze out work from them”
If your aim is to squeeze your employee, then your employees will never listen to what you are saying. This approach will always make your employees think with the money-making mind. Your task is to involve your employees in your company and your targets. Be a good leader and do that.
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3. Mix up with your employees-
A lot of times if you act a little bossy, your employee starts to create a distorted image of you. They create a derogatory image of your that is really not good for you or your organization. Remember, you are a leader, a motivator and you allow people to discuss, debate and come to a conclusion.
4. Your goals don’t match with their capabilities
Being an in charge, it is your responsibility to know the weak and strong zones of your employee. You should know what your employees can do and what they can’t do. In fact, you should ask them if they can do it or not.
So, these are some of the basic tips you should apply to let your employees do what the organization (you) want them to do. Don’t impose it. Instead, present the work in a manner that they volunteer for it.
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