Desh Ki Baat

Pariksha Pe Charcha 2025 Sees Record Breaking Registrations Nationwide

The organization of Pariksha Pe Charcha 2025 reached an exceptional benchmark through 5 crore participant registrations

Pariksha Pe Charcha 2025 Sees Record Breaking Registrations Nationwide

The organization of Pariksha Pe Charcha 2025 reached an exceptional benchmark through 5 crore participant registrations which marked it among the biggest interactive activities in India. The February 10 2025 event received major support from educational personnel and students together with their guardians throughout both Indian and foreign territories. The core project of Prime Minister Narendra Modi seeks to turn examination-related stress into a joyful knowledge-based celebration.

The event hosted interactive sessions where Prime Minister exchanged important information about exam training and stress control techniques and individual advancement steps. People need to face challenges while setting goals as a strategy to stay healthy while preparing for exams according to the Prime Minister. According to the Prime Minister earning respect means nothing can be requested it must be obtained through responsible conduct and meaningful actions.

Pariksha Pe Charcha transformed into a community-wide reform through January 12 to 23 activities targeting various school activities across the country in its 8th edition. The various activities combine events such as indigenous games sessions, marathon runs, meme competitions and mental health workshops. Education now marks a vibrant nationwide festival which promotes full development of students and motivates them to view examinations as Utsav celebrations.

The registrations for Pariksha Pe Charcha 2025 totaled 2.79 crore which built a new record for interactive events across the nation. The event achieved its significant success by providing mental health solutions for students and creating a positive examination attitude. The Prime Minister’s connection with students together with his support for non-stressful learning will designate a permanent impact on India’s educational system.

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