Weekly Horoscope: 6th June-12th June
Weekly Horoscope: Check out what week holds for you?
Kiran Pandey Rai is back with a weekly horoscope, take a look at what all this week holds for you? Check your zodiac signs and then plan your week accordingly.
Aries: Home, happiness and vehicle will be on your priority list. Your communication skill must be improved in this period. Consequently, your relation will also be better with loved ones. Even your communication must give you gain in a different form. Eyes, teeth or in short (ENT) issue can be faced. The best part of this period will be your hard-working attitude.
Taurus: Your ego will be reflecting in your behaviour. This attitude may create a disturbance among loved ones but you will learn to take criticism in your stride. Your health may be the area of concern but an aspect of a benefic planet will keep you safe. The financial area won’t be very comfortable. Your anxiety level will be also high even for an insignificant reason.
Gemini: This week may give you a moment of an identity crisis. Such thought will definitely give you anxious moments. The financial area will be in moderate condition. The temperamental issue will keep on bothering you. The courage to make a decision and execute the same will guide you towards your destination.
Cancer: Your attitude will be temperamental towards your people. Take a decision with consciousness, do not behave rashly in it. Life will go at a slow pace and you must accept it to avoid further disturbance in life. Your seniors will prove beneficial for you. Your friends from different community may try to catch up with you. Overall a good period for you.
Leo: You will be work-centric this week. Your work will give you benefit too. Keep being honest and modest at work to get genuine appreciation. Friends or elder siblings can be the reason for happiness. Be careful in handling younger siblings. Finance will be a comfortable area for you in this period. Chances of involving in a new relationship.
Virgo: This period brings you closer to your father as well as religious activities. But, in general, your tongue would be harsh. Your goal will be extremely important for you and you won’t be able to accept other’s interferences. It’s best to stay focused on your work rather than justifying your actions before others. Unexpected income can be seen these days.
Libra: If you had been planning for a long to travel abroad or any beautiful places, this is the right time to travel. But do not forget to follow the present protocol due to corona. Even this may be the right choice of time to renovate your home décor. Changing of the vehicle can also be seen. Your mother may be the reason for concern in this period.
Scorpio: You may indulge in a dispute with some religious person or even father. Your reluctant behaviour might be the strong reason for such a situation. Your progeny will give you pleasure through their achievements or their activities. Be careful with your behaviour with your spouse. Your spouse might sound very demanding, take it as a pinch of salt and let this period gets over.
Sagittarius: You might get some negative vibes or difference of opinions with your kids. It will be difficult for you to take the situation easily. Try to keep your emotion at bay while dealing with such a condition. Spouse will be your strength in this period. The financial aspect of life looks very promising. Your opponents won’t have any reason to tease you. Overall, a good period altogether can be seen.
Capricorn: You must be very stubborn as well as determined in your planning in this period. Even though you know the facts, but avoid humiliating anybody. Be modest in dealing with your people. Do not eat anything that may affect your health. This period looks vulnerable to your digestion. Eat wisely. Avoid any argument with seniors.
Aquarius: Students of this sign, pull up your socks to get the best in this period. A successful relationship can be expected. Most of your work and planning will get a genuine path to move. Patience will give a glow to your work as well as results. Delay can be expected but hard work will definitely give you genuine success. A good time is on your way.
Pisces: Your health may be the reason for concern but it won’t turn into the worst face. You may try to connect to your younger siblings but not on a good note. It’s better to stay cool and calm rather than messing up with the wrong tone. Your inner peace can be expected, indeed. The monetary area of life will be satisfactory. Overall, a lukewarm week is knocking on your door.