Weekly Horoscope: 2 April- 8 April
Weekly Horoscope: What all this week holds for you?
Kiran Rai Pandey is back with her predictions. Check out your weekly horoscope and plan your week accordingly. Here is what all this week holds for you.
Aries: Courageous steps undertaken can assure your success in this week. You’re more likely to pursue your dreams and seize opportunities as they present themselves. Donation, social services and any such activity will allure you more these days. Monetary gain is very evident through this arrangement of planets. Overall, a good week is ahead you.
Taurus: Income and expenditure will go hand-in-hand in this period. Those who are connected to foreign land, company or trades, will experience gain. Health may disturb your work flow. You won’t have option other than taking lead in family matters. At the same time, try to be fair in your decisions. Money-matter is not very exciting in this week. Love and romance will play another vital role these days
Gemini: You will be pro-active at your workplace or wherever you need to perform. Luxurious surroundings can be expected in this period. Those who had been waiting for promotion or increment, if your personal period supports, you will be benefitted. Mother will come forward to support you. Your relation with spouse looks lukewarm, be careful.
Cancer: You will carry pack of courageous actions in this period. You may oppose your father’s opinion regarding some important decisions. Female friends will be more supportive. Name, fame and recognition at work for work can be almost assured, if at all your personal running period is good. Inclination towards religious activities will increase.
Leo: Your words and gesture will be somewhat arrogant with people around you. Be careful and filter your words and actions. Long awaited promotion or increment will get some hope, scope and success. Students will be going through better period, indeed. Businesspersons can expect better deals in this period. You will be going to enjoy more peaceful moments in this week.
Virgo: Be careful about seasonal ailments. Avoid eating outside food or any kind of unhealthy food. Take extra caution and precaution of the behavior of the people around you. Bitching and backbiting can be possible in this period. Nonetheless, good time at work can be experienced. Financial aspect of life is satisfactory. It will be difficult for students to focus at their studies.
Libra: Planets are giving you better period to enjoy your skill. Enmity with friends can be experienced in this week. It is suggested to indulge yourself in group conversation, else your words can be dragged in a wrong direction. Expenses for significant reasons can be seen during these days. Being flexible in decisions must be helping you. Students will perform well.
Scorpio: Your planets are going to help you to keep your mind clean or free from crap thoughts. Opponents or hidden enemies are going to face tough time. It’s win-win situation for you in this period. Area of concern is your health. One more slight concerning area is your workplace where undesirable portfolio or transfer is possible during this week.
Sagittarius: The week begins with same tone as it was the last week. But as days advance, your intelligent move in decision making will be very helpful for getting success. Your marital happiness looks missing due to aggressive attitude. Money will be spent in self- personality development or home décor. You must abstain yourself from lottery, stock or any quick money making method in this period.
Capricorn: Love is in air. Do not rush into any relationship without getting to know the details of other party. Slow and sensible choice can be assured, if taken under somebody’s guidance. Area to improve is your sarcastic words being used during general conversation. Mother’s health may be not in shape. Differences with father can be seen in these days. Once you follow your father’s or father figure’s guidance, it’s going to give you the best results.
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Aquarius: Your personality will be blended with an introvert person holding arrogance on sleeve. At times, you are going to express your emotion in the spurt of anger in this period. Daredevil actions may back fire you. Having patience with calm mind will be highly needed in these days to avoid any further issues with loved ones. Monetary side is moderately fine. Good time for students.
Pisces: You will be having a more pious attitude during this planetary position. You will have a very auspicious aura around. Hark work looks like your arms in this period. You may get support from friends and family in terms of emotion, financial or any other form. Happiness from children’s success can be expected. Travelling can be more frequent than your regular days.