Weekly Horoscope: 27th June – 3rd June
Weekly Horoscope: What this week holds for you?
Kiran Rai Pandey is back with a weekly horoscope. Take a look at what this week holds for you.
Aries: This week brings you a bit of trouble in making a peaceful decision. Your courage to take an abrupt move may feel difficult initially but later it must be one sensible move. The best part of this period will be your attention towards your work. Younger siblings will be helpful. You can expect a matrimonial alliance to approach you. Students will improve their performance.
Taurus: One of the most ultimate adventurous experience you are going to feel in this period. You may feel a sense of success over your new venture. Your words may have a reflection of your ego and self-reliance. Even in an adverse situation, you will be able to come out of your own skill and strategies.
Gemini: This week adds ego to your overall persona. You will be extra sensitive. A wise move towards life will be an addition to your decision. You must be lacking freedom. Bit relief from children can be experienced. Students of this sign would perform better. Taking lead in any matter would be there by default in you these days. Financial security must be felt.
Cancer: Your love life would be influenced by motherly emotion or more systematics. Such a situation can make the situation a little more unclear to your partner. Married people would have minor conflict over family issues. You will be more inclined towards buying a home, land or vehicle. Meeting friends would give you pleasure after a long time. Overall, a good week is moving towards you.
Leo: Consultants, Hoteliers, Bankers or Educators would have a good time this week. Professionals will be having a good experience. Your relation with your younger siblings won’t be good. Avoid taking a short trip in this period. Married people need to be more attentive in keeping peace at home.
Virgo: You can expect support from your father or fatherly figure. Belief in religious activities won’t excite you. Your approach towards life must be very unorthodox. Your reluctant attitude may take away friends from you. Try to make them feel more trustworthy to avoid such circumstances. Eat healthily and stress more on maintaining a routine.
Libra: You might be facing too much work pressure at the office. Circumstances may surface up in a way to take it up either by hook or crook. In short, this period looks more challenging for most of you. Money won’t be a big problem. An aggressive statement may take you to the wrong place. Behaviour with the mother cannot be up to the expectation.
Scorpio: You need to be extra cautious with elderly people in this period. Your partner may add spice to your life. You must ignore the minor issues with your partner to enjoy the moment. Your determination and efforts will keep you updated as well as full of resources. Most of your actions would be based on social development or working for the underprivileged.
Sagittarius: Media persons of any type can expect a good time this week. You might have a feeling of dependency on others this week. It won’t last long. Be patient. Your own action may create a mess in your day-to-day life. The monetary condition can be lukewarm. But the aspect of the benefic planet will help you to pass through this phase harmlessly.
Capricorn: Love life would be in a confusing state. It will be difficult for you to take the right decision in this matter. An elderly person may come forward to help you or can be helpful. You may seek advice from an elderly authentic person in your life. Your spouse may bring happiness to your life. Foes won’t have space in your life. Overall, a time to take a challenge and try to give your best.
Aquarius: Professional front of life can face upheavals. Role of your harsh words may play a vital role in your own situation. At the same time, a malefic planet will give you a sigh of relief. Your expectation level will be very high from loved ones especially your mother. This depends on your individual running period, that expectation may take you to the best or worst place.
Pisces: This week may shake your confidence for the time being. Take it as a temporary phase of life. Condition at the workplace won’t look conducive enough to chill out. The temperamental issue needs a special check. Pessimism should not hover in mind otherwise it will take you to the wrong place. Donation and charity look more important in your routine.
One World News brings you a weekly horoscope by Kiran Rai Pandey. She is a renowned astrologer and practising Vedic Astrology for the past 10 years. For Janampatri and personalized prediction write to 06kiranrai@gmail.com