Weekly Horoscope: 12th September-18th September
Weekly Horoscope: Take a look at what this week holds for you!
Weekly Horoscope: Kiran Pandey Rai is back with her predictions. Check out your weekly horoscope and plan your week accordingly. One World News brings to you, astrology predictions according to your sun sign for the week by the famous astrologer Kiran Rai Pandey.
Aries: This week has a bag of mixed experiences. The sportsperson of this sign will perform well. If your running period is not very supportive, then there is a chance of facing upheavals in conjugal life. Students of this sign will have the potential to face the competitive examinations with confidence. Your children will play the role of a great support system in your day-to-day issues.
Taurus: Your strategic move will help you to come out with flying colours in any situation. Students can have one of the best performances in their studies. Business people may get good deals. Your enemies may turn beneficial for you. Progeny will give you a reason to smile. Spirituality can be in your genuine practice of life.
Gemini: Week to provide you pleasure at home with luxuries. Hidden enemies cannot be ignored but they will be harmless. You may feel relieved regarding the well-being of your spouse. A creative mind of yours will be exerted in constructive ways. Younger siblings or neighbours can be your reason for concern.
Cancer: This period brings such kind of circumstances that leads to solitude. Enjoying your own company will be your motto of life. Romantic life looks disturbed. Friends from different strata will come in connection through social media after a long span. You will be spending money on home décor or any other luxury. Overall, a lukewarm week can be seen ahead.
Leo: Your authoritative attitude may give you the worst or the best. It depends on your individual running period. Your talkative but logical skill can give you recognition among your people. Leading family matters as well as enjoying the same can be experienced in this week. Overall, a decent period can be experienced.
Virgo: Being critical even for a silly issue will be felt in yourself. Either your relation with father or fatherly figure looks disturbed of the health of the same may bother you in this period. Nevertheless, your witty approach will create a pleasant aura around. The financial aspect of life is good in this period.
Libra: Acquaintance from influential strata will come forward to support you emotionally or in any other beneficial way. Relation with younger siblings won’t be good. The short journey should either be delayed or avoided for the next couple of weeks. Even if you get a chance to go through an unethical way but avoid such shortcuts and adopt a genuine path to walk along.
Scorpio: This week brings challenges to face and fight back bravely. Meeting people after a long span may give you strength. Even though you have been not going through a very adequate situation, your luxurious lifestyle won’t get affected. The workplace can be one of the places to relish this week.
Good News Of The Week That You Should Not Miss
Sagittarius: Your temperament may bring a lack of peace in the family. Especially your relation either with father or younger sibling can be bothered. Efforts of opponents may not churn out the best to defeat your purpose. Help from females from any walk of life will play a vital role in your day-to-day life’s issues.
Capricorn: This type of planetary position might be being experienced by you after a long time. In short, a pleasant situation throug
h different sources can be witnessed in this week. Extremely strong determination towards matters of life will keep you more anxious. Eventually, the path of success gets righteous direction with a bit of delay.
Aquarius: Your fortune will brighten away from home, not at the birthplace. Your inner peace will be bothered due to your bitter words. At the same time, your involvement in charity work in any form cannot be ignored. Your spouse may behave over demanding even for a minute thing. Health should be kept at the top in the “To do” list of this week.
Pisces: You may get a chance to meet your loved ones after a long span of time. Your analytical mind will guide you in several ways. In this period, you might be thinking positive about your kids. Students of this sign will have a good time. A better relation with younger siblings can be expected. A short journey will give you benefits.