5 Things You Should Avoid If You Love Your Skin!

If you Love your Skin then You are in
We all love our skin, don’t you? A lot of people are blessed with great skin but those who don’t have fabulous skin, they strive a lot day for a healthy skin.
We regularly visit parlors, we make changes in our diet plans just to to have good skin. These all things you do for your skin to look great and free of acne. The cost you pay off couldn’t make you happier. But do you know why most of the times all the care you put in your skin go waste? You may be spending a lot of time in taking care of skin but if it still doesn’t look good, then you have to make few changes.

Here are few things you should stop doing right away
· Touching your face constantly:-
Your skin needs to breathe too like you do. If you continuously touch your skin, you are just trying to block the air path. Due to it, you just increase the chances of pimples and acne breakouts. The dirt on your hand gets transferred to your skin when you touch it and hence, the dullness and breakout.

· Do Apply Sunscreen
Sometimes when you are in an absolute hurry and might not get time to apply sunscreen. But your skin won’t understand these stuffs. Stepping out from home without applying sunscreen is an absolute a big no! Most of the people usually skip the sunscreen on cloudy days and it’s really a huge mistake most of us make. Even if it is cloudy or weather is good outside, the sun it stills its UV rays.
· Avoiding Moisturizer During Summer
Most of the people think that the skin needs moisturizing only during winters when the skin gets dry. And that’s the main mistake we make. Just like the food we need food so does our skin. Your skin also needs nutrition in all seasons and so is in summer too.

· Not Drinking Enough Water
You might have heard this hundred times or even more, but sometimes you tend to ignore it. People, if you don’t drink enough water, it dehydrates your system. It makes your skin dry and flaky. So all you have to do is, drink enough water to retain the skin’s inherent moisture and glow.
· Scrubbing Your Skin Too Often
If you scrub your body or face on a daily basis will help you get a better skin. But it does actually opposite. Firstly, it will give you wrinkles earlier than your expecting age in the specific areas, like under the eyes. It can also lead your skin to the blackheads and accumulation of dead cells in the pores. The ideal frequency of exfoliating your skin is 2-3 times a week.
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