Joyous News

Chocolates makes you smarter, suggests study

Chocolates consumption is good for heart, brain and blood pressure

Nobody could ever say no to chocolates, even if it means getting scolded by your mother for savoring the sweet elixir.

People are often told that eating too much chocolate could lead to dental issues, but has anyone ever told you that you could become smarter by eating this?

Almonds are generally said to be brain’s best friend but apparently, chocolate is an equally close friend to your central processing unit.

A recent study conducted by the scientists from University of South Australia claims that one’s intelligence level could be improved by the consumption of more chocolates. Surprising right? But true.

The study suggests a positive relationship between regular in-take of it and cognitive performance of most individuals. When individuals were observed on a daily basis, the results were rather interesting.


It was found that individuals consuming chocolates frequently are intellectually more sound that those who consume the sweet rarely.

Earlier, there have already been reports claiming chocolates being good for heart, blood pressure and weight loss, etc. Now, the latest report of chocolate being beneficial for brain is certainly a reason to celebrate for all the chocolate lovers.

The psychologist, Merrill F Elias said, “Our study definitely indicates that the direction is not that cognitive ability affects chocolate consumption, but that chocolate consumption affects cognitive ability.”

Although, no scientific explanation was provided as to why and how, chocolates improve one’s intellectual abilities but cocoa flavanols present naturally in the chocolates seem to have a positive effect on one’s brain.

Chocolate also plays a great role in reducing the risk of strokes and protects the skin harmful sunrays. But consuming a lot of chocolate on daily basis is not a very smart decision.

So, chocolate admirers hold your horses. Yes, you should eat chocolates for being smarter but not more than 50 grams per day due to the sugar and fat content available in the product.

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