
What is your relationship status?

Ever experienced love? If not then, experience it because it will definitely give you butterfly feeling. Being in relationship is a period of ‘learning’ as a person, which will make you learn basic relationship goals!

Here, are few stages of relationship that you people should be aware of:-

1. Textationship

That situation when you and your partner text each other ALL the time, but hardly ever call and never plan to meet? This stage is called textationship. You know what to tell your friends now when they ask about your

relationship status.

2. Ghosting

That one time when you were going out with someone and suddenly he…vanished. Just like that air. With his phone switched off, his flat empty and his friends without a clue about his whereabouts – yeah, it’s the modern dating curse. People don’t just dump you, they “ghost” on you.

3. Zombeing

If you thought nothing could get worse than ghosting, then zombieing will surprise you! For this happens, after a person ghosts on you and then reappears, like a zombie, on social media and kills you further by putting up cheesy statuses and liking your posts randomly – like he had never left!

4. 143

It means I Love You. Can you imagine? We have actually come up with a non-heartfelt, technical way of confessing our love. It’s probably worse than ILY.

5. Manicorn


Find out your relationship status

The perfect man who is like the unicorn – whom everyone talks about but no one has actually ever seen. Yup, our fictional, perfect guy.

6. Cupcaking

Here’s a cute term for being boring. So when couples stay in, instead of going out – they can feel better about themselves by proclaiming that they are just “cupcaking”. More to staying in then, yaass!!

7. Ex-hole

You get this one, don’t you? That ex, who was an a**hole. Hah. You’re gonna use this one, aren’t you? Go ahead, this is what these cool new words are for!

8. Hot room

Now this one refers to a weird social situation, where couples with complicated relationship dynamics come together. Like you, your boyfriend and your ex, at a common friend’s party.

9. Benching

That guy who messages you for a week, and then vanishes for another one and then comes back and talks to you like he was never gone.

10. Catfishing

Haven’t you been fooled by someone whose pictures look gorgeous AF, but the reality is a.. um, a bit disappointing? Well, his fake digital personality “catfish-ed” you.
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Radhika Srivastava

She loves to express her feelings via her write -ups! She is a young passionate writer who brings unusual ideas to explore the world.
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