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5 best places to have sex!

Whose love life doesn’t need a makeover? Well, maybe not a makeover exactly but a whiff of romance and of course that all kissing.

If you guys are bored of making out in the 4 walls of your bedrooms than here are a few whacky places where you can make out.

5 best places to have sex!

  • Washing machine – Are you wondering why? Why not? Its time you ditched the kitchen counter and study table in your house and make out in the washing machine.
  • Library – Always choose deserted portions of the library for smooches and kisses.
  • Kitchen table– That spatula isn’t just for flipping burgers. Swat your guy’s ass with it to make this game more powerful.
  • In the shower or bath– This is a best place to have a sex with your partner.
  • At your office– If you are lucky enough to have a key to your office this is the perfect place to get away and get on with your partner.

5 best places to have sex!

It’s time to get out of your beds and try some new places.

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