Joyous News

10 Facts about depression

Everyone at some point of their life feel sad or blue, but it is really ok.

10 Facts about depression


These things are short lived and pass over within a couple of days.

When you have depression, it interferes with daily life and causes pain for both you and for those who cares for you.

Here are some facts hat you should know about depression:

  • Depression is quiet, anyone can fall a victim to it.
  • And much like a mask people often cover it.
  • Nobody can detect it but you yourself, because disguising it is easy.
  • The more you cheer the less people suspect you.
  • Don’t hide and well you can’t hide it forever.
  • It’s ok everybody reaches a breaking point.
  • By talking to others you will surely get help and assurance that you need to fight through it.
  • Remember that there are people who are ready to help, talk to them.
  • Have patience with yourself.
  • See every day as a new opportunity.
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