Social News

I’ll know exactly IF you unfriend me !

I’ll know exactly IF you unfriend me !

How many times have we gladly unfriended people on facebook because of a certain reason or no reason at all? How many times have we been unfriended by people and not cared the least bit because we didn’t even get to know about it? Hell we didn’t even get to know we were unfriended unless we got a friend request from the same person again.

I’ll know exactly IF you unfriend me !

Now, however, there is a way to find out exactly who unfriended you. A free app for iOS and Android called ‘Who Deleted me’ lets you know. It is also available as a browser extension for Google Chrome. The app works by saving your current friend list when you first visit it. When you revisit the app, it compares your current friend list to the saved version and then gives a list of people who are no longer your friends and also the new friends you have made since the last time you logged in.

I’ll know exactly IF you unfriend me !

The app has three different sections on who deleted you, whom did you delete and who deactivated their account. Thus, those who only deactivate their account will never be mistaken for those who unfriend you.

Obviously, this starts working from the first time you visit the app, so people who have unfriended you before your first visit to the app will not be shown. Also, this concept isn’t entirely new for there are other apps like unfriend notify and unfriender that cater to the same social inquisitiveness of the human race.

I’ll know exactly IF you unfriend me !

Although unfriending is still just a click away, you might want to rethink over.

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