Joyous News

The ‘X’ factor of Flipkart!


The ‘X’ factor of Flipkart!


Rupees 5o Thousand allowance to employees for adoption.

Flipkart has announced an unmatched maternity package. This not just an awesome news for Flipkart’s employees, but also a hope for the thousands of Indian children who don’t have parents.

The ‘X’ factor of Flipkart!

Flipkart is all set to treat its employees Source

After relaxing paternity and maternity policies, e- commerce foremost Flipkart is again ready to treat its employees by ‘Adoption Allowance’ of Rs. 50, ooo.

Adoption allowance, effective July10 can be used towards any expenses that may arise during adoption process.

The ‘X’ factor of Flipkart!

Hope for thousands of children Source

According to the policy, Flipkart will allow its female employees to adopt children below age of 12 months. They would be able to avail same benefits as under maternity leave policy, i.e., six months paid leave and four months flexible working hours.

For dads- to- be, Flipkart now allows 10 days of parental leave as well. Apart from it, they will be free to work in flexible hours for three months.

The ‘X’ factor of Flipkart!

Adorable change in society Source

Well, this is a wonderful change! If more people will adopt similar policy, it’ could definitely boost adoption rates in our country.

So, Dear C.E.O’s are you listening? Come be a part of the change.

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