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Santa’s Hiring! : Create Your Own Gifts This Christmas!

Santa’s Hiring! : Create Your Own Gifts This Christmas!

Christmas spirit is in the air and the love is exchanged between people in the form of gifts they exchange with each other. Nothing spells “Christmas” as homemade gifts that express genuine affection and add a personal touch to the festivities. Going back to those childhood days, the heartwarming memories resurface of sitting with your loved ones under the Christmas tree, wrapped up in those soft mink blankets, sipping hot cocoa with marshmallows floating on top and unwrapping gifts.

It is easy to go shop for gifts but they don’t carry the emotional overtones that self-made gifts do. Interestingly, not just receiving those gifts warms your heart but even making them is an enjoyable experience. So take a break from the daily humdrum of life, and swish out your creative magic. Here are a few ideas from our side that you could use to convey your love to your loved ones.

• Homemade Jam/ Marmalade: The sweet aroma and the delicious taste of marmalades and jams never fails to bring a smile to your face. In today’s world where everything is available in the nearest store, we forget that jams were originally homemade delicacies that gained popularity. The store-bought jam doesn’t have the same flavor as the homemade one. Luckily, preparing a bottle of jam isn’t a difficult task and then serving them in a glass jar with a personal note attached would definitely make your gift the favorite this season!

Santa’s Hiring! : Create Your Own Gifts This Christmas!

Jammy Jars!Source

• Goodies Basket: Preparing a fancy goodies basket is an excellent DIY gift. You can include sweet treats like homemade cookies, squashes, chocolates, small bite-sized cakes, cake sprinkles, cupcakes etc. and decorate it with ribbons and personalized cards.

Santa’s Hiring! : Create Your Own Gifts This Christmas!

Oh my Goody-ness!Source

• Personal Key chains: You can make key chains with pictures of your loved ones and their families. This makes the key chain a special one that people would want to keep with them always.

• Handmade Coasters: You can create coasters of different shapes and designs and decorate them with different patterns and colors. You could also add pictures of people you’re gifting and paste them on the coasters.

• Hand Scrub: For a simple hand scrub, combine sugar, kosher salt, zest of lemon and olive oil and spoon them in a jar tightening the lid of the jar nicely. This aromatic scrub would be much appreciated by your loved ones as they would have the goodness of natural ingredients. Tie a ribbon around the jar neck and attach a personal note.

Santa’s Hiring! : Create Your Own Gifts This Christmas!

Hand ScrubSource

• Cake-In-A-Jar: All you need to do is to put layers of cake in a glass jar and spread a heavy layer of frosting in between. The look from the outside arouses the taste buds in anticipation of scooping out the contents and gorging on them.

Santa’s Hiring! : Create Your Own Gifts This Christmas!

Happiness in a JarSource

• Body Scrub: To prepare an invigorating body scrub that has all the goodness of healthy ingredients, prepare a chocolate body scrub. A simple way to do this is to grind one-fourth cup of oats in a blender until it becomes a fine powder. Add a cup of sugar, two-and-a-half spoons of cocoa powder, two tablespoons honey and one-eighth spoon of vanilla to the oats. After mixing add two teaspoons olive oil and a dash of fresh cinnamon. Your scrub is ready for use! Store it in a container and gift it to your loved ones for healthy skin, especially for the chilly winters.

• Lip Salve: Lip care becomes especially essential during winters and is used up almost immediately. Hence it becomes the most coveted beauty product for winters used by all. You will need a tablespoon of beeswax, coconut oil, a dash of organic honey and two Vitamin E capsules. Melt the beeswax in a double boiler, and add coconut oil and honey to it. Once they all blend together, add the contents of the vitamin capsules. Pour the contents in a container and let them cool.

Santa’s Hiring! : Create Your Own Gifts This Christmas!

Smile easy!Source

• Monogrammed Sweaters: In these chilly winters nothing adds warmth as a home-knit sweater. The brightly colored sweaters will bring an instant smile to the face of all those you gift them to. What adds more personal touch to the sweaters is a monogram with the names of the people whom you’re gifting.

Santa’s Hiring! : Create Your Own Gifts This Christmas!

Knitting loveSource

• Bookmarks: Be crafty with your ideas and make fancy bookmarks with inspirational or funny quotes inscribed on them. You could also write different personalized messages on each bookmark. All your bookworm friends and relatives would love this amazing gift!

Santa’s Hiring! : Create Your Own Gifts This Christmas!

Creative BookmarksSource

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