Joyous News

The Fault In Our Marks

The Fault In Our Marks

The Indian schooling system is very highly regarded, or is it? Indians believe that our education system is amazing and gives us great results and that is why not many people question it. But is that belief true? Is our system really that effective? Maybe if we look at the schooling practices of other countries we could learn and adapt a few things.

The country of Finland has its own unique and a highly unorthodox schooling system. In our country parents want their kids to start schooling as soon as possible so we see things like kindergarten, nursery etc. That’s not the case in Finland. Over there children start their education by age 7, minimum. There are almost none, except one, mandatory exam which is to be given by children when they are 16 years of age. An average Finnish student gets 72 minutes of recess during school hours as opposed to roughly 20 minutes that we get in India. There is also no grading system till the child comes in class 8th.

The Fault In Our Marks

Finland’s National Flag Source

Here we take some examples of other countries, one of them being Switzerland. The country Is famous for a lot of things. Its beauty, its chocolates, the cheese and its education system. The Schooling system is Switzerland another example of unique education system where a child has compulsory schooling for 9 years after which they get to choose which career path they want to choose. Based on that decision and the child’s abilities they are offered to learn about that profession. After the 3 year course the person then becomes eligible to work in that field or go for further higher studies.

The Fault In Our Marks

The hours spent in the classroom memorizing Source

Then comes the super intelligent nation of China. China , in the 2012 PISA exam, scored the most number and was number one among 57 other countries. China holds a large population and to deal with the problems , has created many different kinds of schools depending upon the general population. There are schools There are preschools, kindergartens, schools for the deaf and blind, key schools (private, cultural and vocational schools, regular secondary schools, secondary teachers’ schools, secondary technical schools, and secondary professional schools), and various institutions of higher learning (consisting of regular colleges and universities, professional colleges, and short-term vocational universities). China too follows the 9 year compulsory schooling system and gives the option of studying further.

The Fault In Our Marks

Our nations flag stands high and proud. Source

There are a lot of different types of education systems in the world and each of them have their flaws and perks. Which one of them would you like to study ?

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