‘An it harm none, do what ye will!’ – Understanding Paganism
‘An it harm none, do what ye will!’ – Understanding Paganism
Paganism is considered to be one of the oldest known religions. It can also be classified as a wide group of several classical polytheistic beliefs, rituals and practices associated with it. In a macroscopic level it can be called as a culture which includes any non-Abrahamic, indigenous, nature or basic elements of nature oriented religion.
There are many elements of Paganism that one uses, that has a pagan connection. Tarot Cars have their roots in the Pagan custom, which were modernized into playing cards.
There are many elements of Paganism that one uses, that has a pagan connection. Tarot Cars have their roots in the Pagan custom, which were modernized into playing cards.
The focus of the beliefs of paganism had one most important aspects, i.e. rituals and their practices. One of the branches that are actively practiced and followed worldwide is Wicca.
Wicca is a religion with varying practices and there is no central authoritative figure which defines it. It has different denominations and lineages with their own structure of organization. Some traditional beliefs are collectively known as British Traditional Wicca;who ardently follow the primary lineage started by Garner.
Wiccans worship a god and a goddess, traditionally known as mother God and horned God, or the God of fertility. The instance of both the Gods can be found in many other cultures, like Egyptian, where the Mother Goddess was Isis while Amon was considered to the God of fertility.Sometimes the duality is often looked as a subset of a bigger entity. However, there are various other beliefs in the other denominations of Wicca, like the Three Goddesses, the significance of alter, Astral instruments The house element, Ishtar, wand and other rituals which follow the patterns of both the sun and moon.
Their beliefs range from true Polytheism to monotheism, and sometimes spiritualism. Wiccans celebrate the turn of seasons as their festivals, called Sabbat. Wicca also has a factor practicing magick, occult arts of knowledge, Green practices for the Pagans of Nature and Balance though it is not necessary in many cases.
Most of these traditions have a belief in the five elements, which are the symbolic representations of the different phases of matter, i.e. everything that exists. The ritual involves the invocation and prayer to the five elements before any ritual, especially when a magic circle is consecrated.
The five elements are Air, Water, Fire and Earth which is unified by aether (spirit) which acts as a uniting force for the other four elements. There are different ways through which, the concept of five elements can be explained.
Ann-Marie Gallagher, for instance had used the example of a tree to explain the different forces, acting together to create different things. A plant uses earth (as the soil), water (for the synthesis, as a carrier and for moisture), fire, (photosynthesis), and air (the creation of CO2 and O2, in the whole process as a byproduct, and all of these elements are said to be united by aether (spirit).
There is a diversity in traditions and rituals in paganism, but there are many values, elements and practices, that unite the cause and the values of paganism. “an it harm none, do what ye will”.