
Celebrating Certified Nurses Day: Honoring Dedication & Excellence in Healthcare

Honoring Dedication: The Impact of Certified Nurses on Healthcare

The Pillars of Professional Excellence

Certified Nurses Day, observed every year on March 19, highlights the commitment of nurses who have opted to improve their professional expertise via certification. Currently, there are more than 3.3 million nurses in India. It is not only one of the largest occupations but also one of the most important and influential in its effect on society. Were you aware that there are more than 200 nursing specialities and subspecialties? The intricacy of the healthcare sector is continually increasing, and nurses aim for professional excellence and exceptional patient care in their pursuit of certification in one or more of these fields. Today, let’s express our gratitude and acknowledge the efforts these individuals have put forth to earn their professional certifications.

Background of Certified Nurses Day

Certified Nurses Day, established in 2008 by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) in collaboration with the American Nurses Association (ANA), celebrates the achievement of certification for the commitment it signifies in professionalism and deep knowledge of specialized fields. 

March 19 was selected as it marks the birthday of Dr. Margretta “Gretta” Madden Styles, RN, EdD, FAAN- a trailblazer in nursing certification. Dr. Styles started advocating for more rigorous credentialing standards to verify expertise in the 1970s. Subsequently, she played a key role in establishing the American Nurses Credentialing Center. 

Certified nurses are viewed as clinical specialists who have proven their expertise through validation by credentialing boards. They have dedicated themselves to lifelong learning since they are required to participate in ongoing educational opportunities, keeping their knowledge current in their field(s) of expertise. 

As patients, we can feel confident that they have achieved these standards of proficiency. Research indicates that certified nurses deliver superior patient satisfaction and patient-centered care, resulting in fewer medical error occurrences. In a survey, more than 90% of nurses concurred that their certifications were significant markers of their skill level and improved their professional credibility. They also strongly concurred that achieving specialty certifications was personally fulfilling and enhanced their professional confidence. 

Timeline of Certified Nurses Day

  • 50 A.D. First Known Nurse- Phoebe, mentioned by Paul in the New Testament book of Romans, is dispatched to Rome to care for men and women as a nurse- in the following century, numerous Christian nurses transformed lives through their compassion and dedication. 
  • 1820 Modern Day Nursing- Florence Nightingale, the pioneer of contemporary nursing, is born. 
  • 1902 First Registered Nurse- In 1901, New Zealand enacted the Nurses Registration Act, and Ellen Dougherty became the world’s first certified nurse the next year. 
  • 1978 Travel Nursing- The contemporary idea of travel nursing originated in New Orleans due to hospitals needing to boost their nursing staff during the yearly Mardi Gras celebration. 

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Ways to Commemorate Certified Nurses Day

  • Recognize Certification Initiatives 

Gaining a nursing license and obtaining specialty certifications demands commitment and self-control. The intricacy of the healthcare field and the expertise required to provide effective care render nursing certification essential. We all desire to receive care from highly skilled professionals, so today, let us express our gratitude to those who have dedicated themselves to achieving excellence in nursing through professional certification. 

  • Inspire Upcoming Nursing Professionals 

Today, while exploring the nursing field and the diverse advanced training and education it provides, let’s motivate students to follow a rewarding career in nursing. Individuals seeking a career shift might also think about the diversity and relative security of the healthcare field. It’s always possible to forge a new direction and professional journey. 

  • Request Input from Nurses

Today is the perfect opportunity for hospitals, clinics, and other nursing employers to seek input from their staff on how to enhance daily operations and patient satisfaction. Nurses serve as the eyes and ears in healthcare, so who better to seek this valuable perspective from? It will be beneficial for both sides since employees value being consulted and feel acknowledged when they notice they have contributed to positive changes. 

Facts About the Nursing Profession

  • Countless Possibilities 

It is estimated that every year until 2026, there will be 200,000 new certified nursing roles established. 

  • Not just in Hospitals 

Although 58% of nurses are employed in medical and surgical hospitals, they also find jobs in private medical offices, nursing homes, clinics, the military, schools, and various businesses. 

  • Display the Cash

The field of nursing is among the most lucrative career choices. 

  • Strolling throughout the day 

In a typical 12-hour shift, nurses cover a distance of 4–5 miles by walking! 

  • Global Scarcity 

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there is a global deficit of nurses reaching 4.5 million! 

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Reasons we Admired Certified Nurses Day

  • Nurses are our Champions

Nursing ranks among the most trusted professions. Nurses have a close perspective on our lives as they often offer care during the most challenging moments. In life-and-death situations, heroes arise, and nurses certainly shine as exemplars and heroes when we recall the moments they’ve looked after us and our cherished ones. Let’s remind the nurses in our lives that they are our heroes today! 

  • We Value Professionalism

The healthcare sector is continuously evolving due to technology, innovation, and improvements in treatments. Nurses understand the necessity of keeping abreast of these swiftly evolving elements through ongoing education and recertification. As patients, we can feel more assured and relaxed about the care we receive when our nurses have taken the time to obtain certification. 

  • We Aim for Nurses to Experience Affection 

Nursing can be a demanding career, both physically and emotionally. Acquiring or upholding certifications requires additional time and effort alongside a challenging nursing timetable. Today, let’s ease some of the pressure nurses experience by fully recognizing, appreciating, and admiring their efforts. 

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