
Explore World Thinking Day Activities and Methods to Commemorate in your Area and Nation

Celebrating Global Sisterhood: Activities and Insights for World Thinking Day

Honoring Unity and Empowerment

World Thinking Day, also referred to as Thinking Day, is celebrated every year on February 22 by Girl Scouts and Girl Guides in 150 nations. The day has been recognized since 1926 and is honored as a day of global friendship. It is a moment to advocate for issues that can enhance the lives of girls worldwide.

The occasion honors sisterhood, camaraderie, and the empowerment of women. It also offers a chance to converse and examine the challenges that girls and women pencounter and how these impact them worldwide.

World Thinking Day serves as a forum for members of the World Association of Girl Guides Scouts (WAGGGS) to address the challenges that girls encounter and propose solutions for how these issues may be resolved or confronted.

World thinking Day Background

In 1926, representatives from Girl Guides and Girl Scouts worldwide convened in the USA for the 4th World Conference. Among various choices, they concurred that there ought to be a designated day celebrated each year when Girl Scouts and Girl Guides worldwide reflect on one another and convey their gratitude and appreciation for the global Movement. The day was referred to as Thinking Day. The date selected to observe Thinking Day is 22 February, as it marks the birthday of Lord Baden-Powell, the founder of the Boy Scout Movement, along with Olave Baden-Powell, the World Chief Guide. 

In 1932, six years later at the 7th World Conference in Bucze, Poland, delegates noted that a Birthday typically includes gifts, so girls might express their gratitude by providing gifts to the International Movement through donations on Thinking Day. 

During the 30th World Conference held in Dublin, Ireland in 1999, representatives from around the globe agreed to rename the day from Thinking Day to World Thinking Day. In 1932, the fundraising component of the day began and remains a vital funding source for WAGGGS now. 

World Thinking Day: Importance and Commemoration 

It is recognized globally and offers a space for Girl Scouts and Girl Guides to engage in discussions and debate the challenges encountered by girls and women. It also fosters sisterhood and enduring friendships among girl scouts, emphasizing loyalty and respect. 

World Thinking Day is observed through various events such as hiking activities, bake sales, seminars, in-person meetings, and more. 

What was the origin of World Thinking Day?

In 1926, representatives from Guide and Girl Scout organizations globally convened in the USA for the 4th world conference. They chose to establish a day for Girl Guides and Girls Scouts to reflect on people globally and honor their involvement in a worldwide initiative.

The date of 22 February was selected because it marks the shared birthday of Lord Baden-Powell, the creator of the scout and guide movement, along with his wife Olave, who managed the movement following his passing. Thus, ‘Thinking Day’ came into existence.

During the 7th world conference in 1932, a Belgian representative pointed out that birthdays usually included presents, and maybe girls could express their gratitude on Thinking Day by collecting donations for the organization. In reply, Olave Baden-Powell sent a letter to every Girl Guide and Girl Scout requesting a donation of a single penny- sufficient to purchase a loaf of bread back then- to support guiding globally. This is currently referred to as the World Thinking Day Fund.

The title of the day was altered to ‘World Thinking Day’ during the 30th global conference in Dublin in 1999. Delegates desired a new name to represent the genuinely worldwide aspect of the celebration.

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In What Ways do we Commemorate Today? 

World Thinking Day continues to be a significant date in the guiding calendar, and annually there’s a new theme to motivate members to reflect on the major issues impacting us and our worldwide community. Former World Thinking Days have addressed issues such as poverty, gender disparity, environmental sustainability, and educational access. 

World Thinking Day Fund

The World Thinking Day Fund offers transformative opportunities. In 1932, the concept for the Fund started when a Belgian representative at the 7th World Conference noted that a celebration (WorldThinking Day) includes the exchange of gifts. Since that time, we have persistently upheld this tradition by providing girls and young women globally the chance to engage in Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting through contributions to the World Thinking Day Fund.

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This yearly fundraising drive is significant because it brings the Movement together to consider the needs of others and how we can assist them. It is a component of our history, and to guarantee it remains in our future, it’s crucial to keep fundraising as a part of World Thinking Day.

Concerning the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) 

WAGGGS is the biggest voluntary organization dedicated to educating and empowering girls and young women globally. This varied movement encompasses ten million girls and young women across 152 nations. 

The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) was established in 1928 in Hungary, where representatives from 26 nations convened at the Fifth International Conference. 

The WLDP (WAGGGS Leadership Development Programme) was introduced in 2008. In 2011, the WAGGGS Global Advocacy Campaign, ‘Stop the Violence – Advocate for girls’ rights’ was initiated. In 2015, WAGGGS was established as an Incorporated Charity. 

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