
The Evolution of Thanksgiving Traditions: A Journey Through Time

Thanksgiving traditions have evolved over time, blending historical customs with modern influences, from the feast to technology and new family dynamics.

The Evolution of Thanksgiving Traditions: How Centuries-Old Customs Have Blended with Modern Influences to Shape the Holiday We Know Today

The Evolution of Thanksgiving Traditions


Thanksgiving remains one of the most valued occasions in the United States, evolving much more than its initial form in the 17th century. A simple harvest feast has gradually become a multifaceted cultural event, creating new and blending old customs. Discussing how Thanksgiving traditions change over time shows changes in society, technology, and family dynamics.

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The Origins of Thanksgiving: A Historical Snapshot
The concept of Thanksgiving dates back to 1621 when the Pilgrims and Native Americans shared a feast for the very fruitful harvest after a hard year of survival. Traditionally said to be in Plymouth, Massachusetts, it is oft described as the first Thanksgiving. This description of early celebrations was simply straightforward about the giving thanks for a good harvest, safety, and communal cooperation.

Thanks to President Abraham Lincoln, Thanksgiving is now a national holiday, on the last Thursday in November, when Americans give thanks. At first, Thanksgiving centered on a family gathering, prayer, and an extended meal with turkey being the most common food for the day.

Changes in the Menu: From Harvest to Modern Feasting
Although turkey has been part of Thanksgiving for as long as anyone can remember, much has changed about the menu over the years. A meal served in early days of Thanksgiving might have consisted of venison, seafood, corn, and many different vegetables, whereas a menu at a typical Thanksgiving table today consists of roasted turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie, which are enjoyed almost by everybody irrespective of geographical location.

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The menu has been adapted due to changing food trends. Nowadays, vegetarian and vegan meals have had a recent dominance over Thanksgiving feasts, with tofu turkeys and casseroles no exception to this day and complement the family meal of yesteryear. Regional flavors add an individual touch to the Thanksgiving tradition; Southern families might add cornbread stuffing or sweet potato pie while others might do so with lasagna or tamales.

Influence of Media and Technology on Thanksgiving
Mass media and technology have played their significant role in shaping the history of Thanksgiving Day. For instance, the first game of the football team was held during Thanksgiving Day in 1876, and now football is one of the crucial elements during the celebration. People sit in front of the television watching NFL games, which has become an important part of American celebrations just like the food eaten during Thanksgiving Day by many people.

Not long after, Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade was born in 1924. It is an event created with the purpose of helping to promote the department store, but what has become a tradition celebrated by millions, as giant balloons, floats, and a myriad of performances dance before their television screens every year.

Technology has even impacted family get-togethers over Thanksgiving. Some relatives, who are not able to participate in the celebration firsthand because they are located elsewhere, are now reached through video calls to ensure that the spirit of Thanksgiving does not break and therefore does not even falter with distance, miles between people.

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Black Friday and the Commercialization of Thanksgiving
Perhaps worst of all, however, Thanksgiving has also become linked in recent decades with the widespread consumerism of Black Friday, which launches its activity the day after the holiday. Once a still, family-focused weekend, Thanksgiving has become a kind of mini-holiday with the retailers, as stores begin to cut prices and open their doors for longer periods. Some see this as commercialization of Thanksgiving. Others relish this as a way to usher in the holiday season.

Conclusion: A balance of tradition and innovation.
Thanksgiving has not been an exception as it shares the characteristic of evolving with the society. In its core, Thanksgiving has been about gratitude, family, and togetherness, but the overall ways and aspects through which people celebrate it have been changing with the times. All the way from the traditional turkey dinner, to modern connections through digitalization, Thanksgiving is a holiday blending the best of old and new in American culture for as long as anyone can see.

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