Weekly Horoscope 11th July-17th July
Weekly Horoscope: 11th July – 17th July: What all this week holds for you?
Kiran Pandey Rai is back with her predictions. Check out your weekly horoscope and plan your week accordingly. One World News brings to you, astrology predictions according to your sun sign for the week by the famous astrologer Kiran Rai Pandey.
Aries: Home, comfort and luxurious matters will be the concern of this week. You will be more focused on the matter of children and studies. You may be rash in your communication with loved ones. You won’t even realize if you have hurt someone or not. For those who have been waiting for an alliance, if the currently running period supports it, then this period may turn into a positive time.
Taurus: You may strive a little more to survive among your younger siblings or neighbours. Be extra cautious. Avoid travelling for the time being. It’s better to clear your doubt verbally. Do not involve any communication in the mail or any other mode that uses written mode. You may face an unpleasant atmosphere at work this week. Overall, a lukewarm period can be assured.
Gemini: This period brings you a thoughtful approach to life. Your words need more attention before delivering them. Go for more of listening and less of talking to avoid any further botheration. The financial area will be satisfactory. You will sound commanding over your spouse. Mixed feelings towards your children can be felt in this period.
Cancer: A rash, as well as a composed sense of reaction, can be expected from you in this period. This may create differences between you and your mother or for married people the same may be felt with a spouse. Marital happiness will be a matter of toss, it can be average or below average, depends on your personal planetary position.
Leo: You will have pious the effect of Jupiter to motivate you towards serenity and pure thoughts. Thinking good for all must be your current motto. Your thought will lead you to the path to having gained in different forms. Support of partners or spouses can be seen in fulfilling your dreams. Do not forget to be extra careful with younger siblings.
Virgo: Work, duty and discipline will be on the list of your agenda. Father or fatherly figure person will definitely come forward to strengthen your confidence in terms of provider or facilitator. Even though it won’t be easy to concentrate your mind at study, your patience and effort will be able to push you towards a righteous path.
Libra: Prospects of meeting colleagues of the opposite gender at work. This will give you a kind of change in your style of work. But, it won’t look like an end game. Being emotional in any kind of relationship will give you disappointment. Those who belong to the import-export business will get benefitted through an acquaintance.
Scorpio: This period says you to be a good listener rather than trying to be a better orator. You might become reluctant at a certain point of decision, this doesn’t suit your overall situation. Your relation with your father can be dicey. Your approach will be more argumentative and quarrelsome. You can expect a suppressed soul as the reason behind this attitude.
Sagittarius: You may take up more discussions with your subordinates or colleagues to get a clear opinion about the goal. You won’t proceed without the consent of the team. Genuine work must be appreciated without delay. Patience must be acting as power and inner strength. It will be difficult to socialize for you. You would love to get yourself secluded from people other than your immediate family members.
Capricorn: Educators, Consultants, Hoteliers or Lawyers of this sign need to be very cautious before putting forward their ideas, advice or suggestion. Try not to impose your ideas on others. Be a little more polite in your approach to make the communication smoother. Your opponents won’t appear openly, so stay alert. Don’t share your ideas with colleagues.
Aquarius: You will be worried about your planning related to home, vehicle or some family affairs. Your anxiety level must be a bit up for a not a very valid reason. You will get support from a spouse or even partner in business. Students of this sign can expect a better performance. Health issues, especially for females, a sexual health problem can be expected.
Pisces: This period must be giving you the reason for lacking confidence. Health can be a concern but it won’t affect you much. Your mind will be wavering in outside activities. Keep this attitude constructive and optimistic so that optimum use of energy should be utilized.
One World News brings you a weekly horoscope by Kiran Rai Pandey. She is a renowned astrologer and practicing Vedic Astrology for the past 10 years. For Janampatri and personalized prediction write to 06kiranrai@gmail.com
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