
How to deal with the feeling of Imposter Syndrome?

What is Imposter Syndrome and how to deal with it? 

Have you ever seen/crossed a situation where someone tried to pretend someone else to deceive others, especially for fraudulent gain? If yes, then he or she can be an impostor and might be suffering from impostor syndrome. Impostor syndrome is also known as impostor phenomenon, impostorism, fraud syndrome or the impostor experience.
It is a psychological pattern in which a person is unable to believe that a person’s success is a result of one’s own hard work and efforts. People suffering from this syndrome are more prone to anxiety and stress. They have an internalized fear of being exposed as a hoaxer. Notably, people who suffer from this continue to feel that they are fake and fraud. They think that they don’t deserve good things in life.

1. Feeling like I don’t deserve the praise I am getting

Impostors remain in self-doubt. They always feel like whatever they are doing is not worth any praise. Even if they are being praised, they are always into finding a loop in that praise. They often try to generalize that praise. At times, they question themselves, “why is that particular person appreciating me?”In answer to this question, they often tell themselves, things like :

That they are the family members, hence they are appreciating.
They are my friends, hence they are appreciating me.
They are my Mentors, they have to appreciate me.
They are strangers, they have to say that.
2. They don’t feel like bargaining for their success because they think that They  don’t deserve it

Since you feel like you don’t deserve praise, you stop bargaining for your good. You end up giving discounts. You, in the end, either satisfy yourself by saying that it was your luck this time, or you credit your success to someone else. You always call it a “by chance” thing. 

3. The Perfectionist theory that you have created 

Impostors often feel like they need to be the perfect ones. Imposters set high goals and then end up getting disheartened. Often, they feel if they want things to be done in a particular way, they have to do it on their own.

4. They don’t feel like showing confidence

Imposters often struggle when it comes to showing confidence. They might try to show confidence but they don’t feel it within. This is more common in women than in men. \

5. They focus more on what they haven’t done

Impostors often see the part of the glass that is empty then the part of the glass that is filled. They give more emphasis to the things that they can’t do. They always lack confidence and as a result, they often end up finding wrongs in themselves.

6. You are not enough

Impostors are insecure souls. They always feel like they are not enough.
“I am not pretty enough”
“I am not smart enough”
“I am not deserving of a particular thing enough”
These are some thoughts that always surrounds them.

7. They fear failure and  often freeze with this thought

Failure is something that gives you all the fears. Impostors often struggle before starting anything because they are strongly accompanied by the fear of being failed. It is that position which takes them to anxiety, stress, and depression making it a bigger problem.

8. You think that you are a fraud

Here is the crux of the topic. Impostors feel like they are a fraud. They think like whatever they are doing is not what they are. Impostors often refer their attitude, their behaviour, their presence, their success and their virtues as a fraud. They feel like they are a showoff. They often remain in a fear that one day, people will get to see their real side.
9. Impostors are insecure. 
They struggle in accepting their success. they don’t credit themselves for their success. They find themselves as a fraud.

How to Overcome Impostor Syndrome?

Step 1: Identify
The first step of the story is to identify. Read the symptoms above, right? Question yourself if you feel like this. If yes, then let’s see the next step.
Step 2: Share and let it be out

Now, that you know that you are feeling like this because probably you an impostor, you should try to open up to people about it. Friends, family anyone. When you will share it, you will feel like it is not just you who feel like this. There is a big population out there who feel the same and it is completely okay.

Step 3: Introspect the situation 

Introspect about the perception of failure you have. Accept the fact that you are a human being. You are here to learn and it is okay to not to know everything. It is fine to be a win and lose. it will not reduce your worth.

Step 4: Tell yourself that you are worthy of it
If you have done it, that means you can do it. Then why does this self-doubt even exist? If some compliment you, don’t try credit that success to anyone. Thank them and accept it with grace.

Step 5: Don’t compare

We all are unique individuals here. You don’t need to compare yourself to others. You are a unique entity with amazing talent and huge scope of success. Comparing yourself can turn out to be lethal.

Step 6: Be relentless at your persuasion
It is fine if you are an impostor. It is great that you have this realization but this should not stop you. If you want to get over the impostor in you, you will have to continue taking the action. You should take challenges. You should beat the worst. Remember, you can be lucky once, you can be lucky twice but if it is repeating again,  then you deserve it.

Read more: How to get Chiseled Jawline?

Impostors are complicated to understand and are even more complicated to deal with it. Imagining oneself as fake and fraud is beyond anyone’s imagination. To whosoever is reading it, we give you power and love to overcome this doubt. You are a great person, and you need not prove.
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Ishika Aggarwal

Can write, shoot, listen, talk and procrastinate. A feminist at heart, Ishika is an avid writer and multimedia person who loves talking about women, realism, and society. When not working she is either seen watching films or making one.
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