
Quick Guide – How Vitamins and Infertility are Interrelated?

Vitamins and infertility are interrelated to each other. Deficiency of some vitamins may disrupt the production of sex hormones and impair sperm and egg development, potentially leading to fertility issues.

Vitamins and infertility: How vitamin deficiency can cause fertility issues

Vitamin D deficiency only causes PCOS to worsen in women, while infertility is associated with a lower sperm quality and Vitamin D deficiency in men. It seems that it was proven that there is a significant correlation between the vitamin D levels and sperm production and functionality, according to the results of a new study. Dt. Reenu Dubey, Consultant Dietician at Motherhood Hospitals in Electronic City, Bangalore, said, “Each person can experience one of the many factors that can affect their fertility. One of the most important factors is the lack of vitamins which can easily affect fertility. Let’s know more about how vitamins and infertility related to each other –

Vitamin D:

It was found that vitamin D deficiency resulted in problems such as infertility. Scientific data shows that vitamin D is very important in the production of the reproductive hormones of both men and women. A deficiency in vitamin D has been associated with low levels of testosterone and flexibility of sperm in men, and in women menstrual cycle pain, and poor function of ovaries.

Vitamin B12:

Vitamin B12 is of significant importance as a substance that supports DNA synthesis and cellular metabolism, which are vital for reproduction, maintenance and growth of new cells.

Existing evidence shows a story of a relationship between vitamin B12 deficiency and an irregular ovulation combined with a menstrual cycle disturbance in females. Deficiency of vitamin B12 among men is one of the causes for decrease in sperm count and sperm motility, resultantly leading to male infertility.

Folic Acid (Vitamin B9):

Fundamental to cell division/corporal synthesis, folic acid is a key player on everybody’s reproductive health as well as on fetal development. Insufficient folate intake is a predisposing factor for neural tube defects (NTDs) in a newborn baby among women and increases the risk of miscarriage.

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Aside from this folic acid deficiency, there has also been found an association with lower sperm count and abnormalities in sperm cells in men, which affect the fertility outcome.

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Vitamin C:

The vitamin C is a strong antioxidant and it helps spermatozoid cells to get rid of possessive damage. Low vitamin C levels have been observed to be related to the reduced sperm quality in males, including lowering the sperm motility level and DNA damage. In women, low levels of vitamin C can result in the declined function of ovaries and lower pregnancy rate.

A key point to highlight is that deficiency of vitamins for fertility problems is just a single factor that should be taken into serious concern. In addition, the level of a woman’s age, general health status, her lifestyle factors, e.g. if she is eating properly and gets enough exercise, as well as her other underlying medical issues can also affect fertility.

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